2..... Getting the Webocrat System Running
2.2. Setting up & Running the
Webocrat System
2.2.1. Creating and Initialising the
Webocrat Database on a MySQL Server
2.2.2. Installation of Tomcat on the Linux
2.2.3. Installation of Tomcat on the
Windows System
2.2.4. Setting Property Variables of the
Weboract System
2.2.5. Starting the OntoServer
2.2.6. Running the Webocrat System with no HTTP Server
2.2.8. Running the Webocrat System through
an HTTP Server
2.2.9. Using “mod_jk2” as a connector
3..... Loading a Knowledge Base
3.1. Loading a Newly Created Knowledge
3.2. User and Password Combinations
4..... Multilingual Environment
4.1. Adjustments
to Login Pages.
4.2. Language
Property Bundle, Common
4.3. Language
Property Bundle for Articles
4.4. Language
Property Bundle for Discussion Forums
4.5. Language
Property Bundle for Opinion Polling
4.6. Language
Property Bundle for Messaging
4.7. Language
Property Bundle for Submissions
4.8. Language
Property Bundle for Forms
4.9. Language
Property Bundle for Web Resources
4.10. Language
Property Bundle for Tenders
4.11. Language
Property Bundle for Web Categories
4.12. Language
Property Bundle for Citizen
The aim of this document is to provide a system administrator with
necessary information, in order to set up and run the Webocrat system on Linux
and Windows.
Webocrat system is a Web-based application which is built on top of four
software components. These are
This document explains how to set up each of the four software components, and configure the Webocrat system, so that it can interact with the other four software components. It also describes how to setup a new language environment, so that the language can be displayed in the Webocrat graphical user interfaces. All abbreviations which are used in this document are listed in abbreviations section.
The remainder of this document is organised as follows: section 2 describes the interaction between the four software components and the Webocrat system, and lists all the steps necessary to set up and run the software components and the Webocrat system. Section 3 explains how a Webocrat user can store a newly created knowledge base into the OntoServer. Section 4 describes how to setup a new language environment, so that the language can be displayed in the Webocrat graphical user interfaces.
Section 2.1
describes the Webocrat system interfaces which are used to establish
connections to the following software components.
addition, the procedure for setting up the four software components and the
Webocrat system on Linux is described in section 2.2.
section describes the interactions between the Webocrat system interfaces and
the four software components listed above. The following figure depicts these
Figure 2.1
The interaction between the Webocrat system and the four software
Figure 2.1
shows three system interfaces which play a role in establishing the connections
to other software components. The following describes the functionality of each
servlet and JSP interfaces serve as the front-end of the Webocrat system. The
two interfaces establish a connection to the servlet and JSP container
(Tomcat), and the other two interfaces: database and knowledge base interface.
database interface establishes a connection between the Webocrat system and the
MySQL server, so that the Webocrat system can access and perform operations,
such as create, insert, update and delete, on the Webocrat and CSAP databases.
knowledge base interface establishes a connection between the Webocrat system
and a knowledge base server, called the OntoServer, so that the Webocrat system
can access the Webocrat knowledge base, and present it to a Webocrat user.
section describes how to set up the software components listed below, in order
to get the Webocrat system running. Note that the configuration and the
software packages which are described in this document are used for a pilot
project. Using other software packages are certainly possible.
Name |
Version |
Linux Package Name |
Windows Package Name |
Server |
3.23.57 |
3.23.57-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz | |
Tomcat |
4.1.27 |
jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-src.tar.gz |
Connectors |
4.1.24 |
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src.tar.gz |
Apache Portable
Runtime (APR) |
2.0.35 |
apr_APACHE_2_0_35.tar.gz |
Apache HTTP server |
2.0.47 |
httpd-2.0.47.tar.gz |
Table 2.1
Five software components which are needed to run the Webocrat system
Both the Webocrat system and Apache Tomcat are Java applications. It is therefore necessary to have Java installed prior to the system installation. Either Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.3 (or above) has to be installed. In addition, a C compiler is required to generate a dynamic shared object of the tomcat connectors (only on Linux Installation). Therefore, a GCC compiler, version 2.96 (or higher) should be installed, too.
Webocrat system and the three software components have been successfully tested
on Red Hat Linux version 7.2. To simplify the description of the following
installation procedure, it is assumed that the software package containing the
Webocrat system has been installed in $WEBOCRAT_HOME. $WEBOCRAT_HOME represents
the absolute path reference of the Webocrat system, and may have the following
value on Linux:
or on
%WEBOCRAT_HOME%=C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat
In order to be able to communicate with a MySQL
server, the Webocrat system needs a database driver, called Java Database
Connectivity (JDBC) driver. The associated driver file name is mysql-connector-java-2.0.14-bin.jar,
which should be found in
Each version of a MySQL server may need a different version of a JDBC driver.
It is therefore necessary to ensure that the Webocrat system uses an
appropriate version of a JDBC driver to communicate with a MySQL server. The
JDBC driver is available at [].
To create and initialise the Webocrat database on a MySQL server, the following five steps have to be carried out.
Step 1: a. Installing a MySQL server on Linux.
The MySQL server package is available at [].
The RPM-MySQL server package can be used to install the MySQL server. The name of the package is MySQL-server-3.23.57.i386.rpm If the rpm version does not work, the binary version, 3.23.57-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz can be installed at /usr/local. The following commands have to be executed to install the binary one.
shell> groupadd mysql
shell> useradd -g mysql mysql
shell> cd /usr/local
shell> gunzip < 3.23.57-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
| tar xvf -
ln -s
/usr/local/mysql-3.23.57 mysql
cd mysql
chown -R root .
chown -R mysql data
chgrp -R mysql .
The two dot characters which are located at the end of the “chown” and “chgrp” commands represent the current directory reference. To set the password for a root user in mysql, the following command has to be executed.
-u root password -p
The password must not necessarily be the same as the system root password. Both, the username, root and the password, are used by the MySQL server, and not the Linux system. The detailed description of the installation procedure for the MySQL server can be found in
[]. The root directory of MySQL may have the following path.
It is recommended that $MySQL_HOME/bin is included in the system variable, PATH, so that MySQL commands can be executed from anywhere. This can be achieved by editing a profile file, /etc/profile.
b. Installing a MySQL server on Windows:
The MySQL server package is available at [].
The MySQL server package can be used to install the MySQL server. The name of the binary package is
To install MySQL on Windows using
a binary distribution, follow this procedure:
you are working on a Windows NT, 2000, or XP machine, make sure you have logged
in as a user with administrator privileges.
you are doing an upgrade of an earlier MySQL installation, it is necessary to
stop the current server. On Windows NT, 2000, or XP machines, if you are
running the server as a Windows service, stop it as follows from the command
you plan to use a different server after the upgrade (for example, if you want
to run mysqld-max
than mysqld
), remove the existing service:
C:\mysql\bin> mysqld --remove
can reinstall the service to use the proper server after upgrading. If you are
not running the MySQL server as a service, stop it like this:
C:\mysql\bin> mysqladmin -u root shutdown
the WinMySQLAdmin
program if it is running.
the distribution file to a temporary directory.
the setup.exe
program to begin the installation
process. If you want to install MySQL into a location other than the default
directory (`C:\mysql'), use the
button to specify your preferred
directory. If you do not install MySQL into the default location, you will need
to specify the location whenever you start the server. Finish the install
The detailed description of the installation procedure for the MySQL server on Windows systems can be found in
The root directory of MySQL may have the following path.
Step 2: a. Running MySQL on Linux
There are two alternatives to run MySQL. The first alternative is to run a MySQL server.
The second one is to run a MySQL daemon server. The associated executable file is called safe_mysqld. Go to $MySQL_HOME, and execute the following command.
Instead of executing the “mysqld”, it is more reliable to use “safe_mysqld” to run a MySQL daemon server.
b. Running MySQL on Windows
If you are working on Windows
95, 98 or Me, to start the mysqld server, you should start a
console window (a “DOS” window) and enter this command:
will start mysqld
in the background.
stop the MySQL server on Windows 95, 98 or Me execute this command:
C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root shutdown
invokes the MySQL administrative utility mysqladmin to connect to the server and
tell it to shut down.
If you are working on Windows
NT family (Windows NT, 2000, or XP), the recommended way to run MySQL is to
install it as a Windows service. Then Windows starts and stops the MySQL server
automatically when Windows starts and stops. A server installed as a service
can also be controlled from the command line using NET commands, or with the graphical Services utility.
The Services utility (the Windows Service Control Manager)
can be found in the Windows Control Panel (under Administrative
Tools on Windows 2000). It is
advisable to close the Services utility while performing server installation or
removal operations from this command line. This prevents some odd errors.
Step 3: Creating and initialising the Webocrat and CSAP databases.
In order to create and initialise the Webocrat database in Linux system, two shell scripts, “” and “” should be executed. Go to the $WEBOCRAT_HOME/scripts and subsequently execute the following two commands. In the newer version only the MySQL.sql script may be used instead of following three scripts.
< csap_update.sql
The two scripts can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/scripts. The shell scripts execute two SQL scripts, “webocrat_db.sql” and “csap_db.sql”, in order to create and initialise two databases. These are “webocrat” and “csap”. In the case where there have been two databases named “webocrat” and “csap”, a backup copy has to be made to save the two existing databases. The sql script, called csap_update.sql, must also be executed, in order to update the existing csap database.
If you use a Windows system you should move to “%MySQL_HOME%/bin” directory and connect to MySQL server by executing “mysql.exe” file. In MySQL command prompt:
mysql> source %WEBOCRAT_HOME%\scripts\MySQL.sql
This command
executes SQL script which creates databases “webocrat” and “csap”, all
necessary tables and initialises them.
Step 4:
Checking the Webocrat database installation.
To check whether the two databases have been successfully created by the MySQL server, it is recommended that a system administrator carries out the following steps.
to the MySQL server by executing an executable file, “mysql”,
In Linux:
shell> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql
or in Windows:
shell> C:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe
A MySQL command prompt, “mysql>”, will
execute the following MySQL commands.
mysql> show databases;
A list which contains a set of
databases is displayed. The “csap” and “webocrat” databases must be found
within the list.
mysql> use csap;
mysql> show tables;
A list which contains 8 tables,
which belong to the “csap” database, is displayed. These are
1. objects,
2. operations,
3. permissions,
4. pra,
5. roles,
6. sessions,
7. ura,
8. users.
mysql> use webocrat;
mysql> show tables;
A list which contains 23 tables,
which belong to the “webocrat” database, is displayed. These are
1. brainAssociation
2. brainLink
3. brainParentChild
4. cmmForm
5. cmmSubmission
6. cmmValue
7. dfmForum
8. dfmMessage
9. dfmMessageTree
10. dfmThread
11. docResource
12. oprAnswer
13. oprPolling
14. oprQuestion
15. oprResult
16. repDigest
17. repIndexPool
18. renews
19. repNewsMessage
20. tpmTender
21. wbcUser
22. wbcUserProperty
23. webResource
Step 5:
Setting up permissions.
In order to grant access to the webocrat and
csap databases for the Webocrat system, the following commands have to be
carried out from mysql.
mysql> grant all privileges on webocrat.* to root@"%"
identified by
'root password';
mysql> grant all privileges on csap.* to root@"%"
identified by 'root password';
Both, the username, root and the password, belong the MySQL server, and not the Linux system. In other words, the root and password mentioned above is the MySQL root and password, and should not necessarily be the same as the system root password. In this example, we assume that only root can access the webocrat and csap databases. The two command lines grant a MySQL user, called root, access to the webocrat and csap databases from any host. The root and password must also be set in the Webocrat system property variables. Section 2.2.3 describes the property variables.
If you are working in Linux system it is also necessary to ensure that the directory $MySQL_HOME/data has the following privilege read, write and execute (rwx) attributes for owner and group with respect to the webocrat and csap databases.
Figure 2.2 The privilege attributes of the webocrat and csap databases which are located at $MySQL_HOME/data.
To set up the Webocrat system in Tomcat, the following three steps have to be carried out.
Step 1: Installing Tomcat.
The package, jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27.tar.gz is available at
Step 2: Configuring Tomcat. In order to configure Tomcat, two variables have to be defined.
· The first variable is called “JAVA_HOME”. The value of this variable should refer to the absolute path reference of a Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Either JDK or JRE version 1.2 (or above) has to be installed, in order to run Tomcat.
· The second variable is called “CATALINA_HOME”. The value of this variable should refer to the absolute path reference in which the Tomcat has been installed. It might have the following value.
The most common way to define a global variable is by stating the variable in a profile file, /etc/profile. To define the two variables, the following two command lines should be inserted into the profile file.
JAVA_HOME = <the absolute path reference in which Java is installed>
CATALINA_HOME=<the absolute path reference in which Tomcat is installed>
In Tomcat 4, a new servlet container is implemented. The container is called “Catalina”. This explains why the second variable is called “CATALINA_HOME”.
Step 3: Running Tomcat.
To run Tomcat, a shell script, “”, which is located at
has to be executed.
Jakarta Tomcat package is available at [[]. The name of the binary installation file is jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27.exe.
install Tomcat on Windows using a binary distribution, follow this procedure:
you are working on a Windows NT, 2000, or XP machine, make sure you have logged
in as a user with administrator privileges.
Run the
installation program to begin
the installation process. Following dialog will appear:
If you are
working on Windows NT family (Windows NT, 2000, or XP), the
recommended way to run Apache Tomcat is to install it as a Windows service.
Then Windows starts and stops the Tomcat server automatically when Windows
starts and stops. A server installed as a service can also be controlled from the
command line using NET
commands, or with the graphical Services utility. If you want to install Tomcat server as
Windows Service check “NT Service (NT / 2k/XP only)” box in previous dialog.
The next dialog enables you to
change default directory (C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1), where
Tomcat will be installed to.
you want to install Apache Tomcat into a location other than the default
directory, use the Browse
button to specify your preferred directory.
“Install” button and start the installation process.
The detailed description of the installation procedure for the Tomcat server on Windows systems can be found in
When you have installed Tomcat server as a service, the system can start and stop the Tomcat server automatically when Windows starts and stops. On other side, when you have installed Tomcat server as a standalone application, starting and stopping of Tomcat server you can do by “Start Tomcat” and “Stop Tomcat” shortcuts created in start menu.
Tomcat reserves the port 8080 on the local machine (or localhost). By typing http://localhost:8080 at a browser, Tomcat should display the following figure.
Figure 2.3 Tomcat homepage
Figure 2.3 shows that Tomcat has been successfully installed and is up and running. In order to connect Tomcat to the Webocrat System, the following two steps have to be carried out.
Step 4: Shutting down Tomcat.
To stop Tomcat, a shell script, “” which is located at
$CATALINA_HOME/bin, has to be executed.
Step 5: Integrating the Webocrat System into Tomcat.
To integrate the Webocrat system into Tomcat, the Webocrat package should be moved from the current directory into $CATALINA_HOME/webapps, in which all the Web applications are placed. The Webocrat may now have the following path.
In addition, some property variables of the Webocrat system have to be set, and the OntoServer should be started, before restarting Tomcat. The following two subsections describe the variable setting, and how to run the OntoServer.
There are
two property files which contain the Webocrat system variables. These are
The following table lists and describe the meaning of the Webocrat system variables, which should be set correctly, in the The first column lists all the variables. The second column describes the meaning of each variable.
Webocrat System Variable Name |
Meaning |
PropertyManager.propertyPath |
absolute path reference of the file |
DbConnectionDefaultPool.username |
username that is required by a MySQL server
DbConnectionDefaultPool.password |
password that is required by a MySQL server |
DbConnectionDefaultPool.server |
Webocrat database reference |
DbConnectionDefaultPool.driver |
database driver which is required to establish a connection to a MySQL server |
DbSearchIndexer.indexPath |
absolute path reference of the directory in which a document is indexed |
DbConnectionDefaultPool.logPath |
absolute path reference of the Webocrat log file |
CSAPUserAdapter.csapHome |
absolute path reference of the CSAP home directory |
Table 2.2 The name and the meaning of the eight
Webocrat system variables which are stored in the
Let us
assume, that
and the MySQL server has been running on the same machine. The eight variables can be set with the following values.
Webocrat System Variable Name |
Webocrat System Variable Value |
PropertyManager. PropertyPath |
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/webapps/Webocrat/ WEB-INF/classes/ |
DbConnectionDefaultPool. Username |
root |
DbConnectionDefaultPool. Password |
password |
DbConnectionDefaultPool. Server |
jdbc:mysql://localhost/webocrat |
DbConnectionDefaultPool. Driver | |
DbSearchIndexer. IndexPath |
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/webapps/Webocrat/ home/index |
DbConnectionDefaultPool. LogPath |
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/webapps/Webocrat/ WEB-INF/classes/logs/webocratDbLog.log |
CSAPUserAdapter. CsapHome |
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/webapps/Webocrat/ home/csap |
Table 2.3 The name and the value of the eight
Webocrat system variables, which have to be set correctly, in the
The “DbConnectionDefaultPool.username”, “DbConnectionDefaultPool.password”, and
“DbConnectionDefaultPool.Driver can be set with other valid values. The
username and password which are set in this property file must be granted with
access privilege to the webocrat and csap databases (as described in section
2.2.1 step 5).
In the second property file, csap.xml, the two parameters, “dbUrl” and “dbDriver”, should be set with an appropriate value. The following table lists the two values along with their associated meaning and value.
Variable Name |
Variable Meaning |
Variable Value |
DbUrl |
the CSAP
database reference |
jdbc:mysql://localhost/csap |
DbDriver |
database driver which is required to establish a connection to a MySQL server | |
Table 2.4 The name and the value of the two
CSAP variables, which have to be set correctly, in the csap.xml
setting a database reference or having no access privilege to the webocrat and
csap databases can result in the following error message when the Webocrat
system is started.
java.lang.InstantiationException: class
The error
message means that the Webocrat system cannot find a valid database reference.
In turn, the Webocrat system is not able to establish a connection to a MySQL
server. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the two system variables,
"DbConnectionDefaultPool.Server" and "DbUrl", and the
database driver are correctly set.
OntoServer is a Java application, and does not depend on any other three
software components: MySQL, Tomcat and HTTP server. In order to start the
OntoServer, a JDK (or JRE) version 1.3 (or above) has to be installed. A shell
script, “” should then be executed. The shell script can be
found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/scripts. Prior to the execution of the shell script,
the environment variable, “WEBOCRAT_HOME” in the shell script must be set with
the absolute path reference of the Webocrat system. The shell script contains
five command lines.
The first
line sets the absolute path reference of the Webocrat directory. The second
line sets all the Java classes which are necessary to run the OntoServer. If
the CLASSPATH is not correctly set, or the Java classes are not complete, the
following error message will appear.
Exception in thread "main"
This error message says that Java cannot run the OntoServer due to the unavailability of the classes used. It is therefore necessary to check whether the Java classes which are defined in the CLASSPATH do exist. The third line sets the absolute path reference of the OntoServer home directory path reference. Given the directory path reference, the OntoServer can determine the location of the Webocrat knowledge base, called “webocrat_ontology.ontokb”, which is stored in the directory, $TUKOS_HOME/kbs. The fourth line starts the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) registry. The final line calls a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run the OntoServer. At start-up time, the OntoServer outputs the following messages.
Admin Server ready ...
OKBC server on port 5432.
The three
line messages say that the OntoServer has recognised the IP address and loaded
the users configuration successfully. They also say that the OntoServer has
registered to the RMI object and is ready to accept a request on port 5432.
If you are
working on the Windows system, in order to start the OntoServer, move to “%WEBOCRAT_HOME%\WEB-INF\classes\test\kmm”
directory. Open file “tukserver.bat”, edit variables JDK_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME and
start the “tukserver.bat” file.
To shut
down the OntoServer, press Ctrl – C. The term, OKBC which appears in the third
message stands for Open Knowledge Base Connectivity (Chaudhri
et al. 1998a, 1998b).
The OntoServer is built on top of OKBC, in order to access, update and create
the Webocrat knowledge base. Chapter 3 discusses this issue in detail.
In order to
run the Webocrat system with no HTTP server, the following steps have to be
carried out subsequently.
Step 1:Running a MySQL server, or a MySQL daemon server, if it has not been running yet
(see section 2.2.1, step 2).
Step 2: Shutting down the OntoServer and Tomcat
Step 3: Subsequently restarting the OntoServer and Tomcat.
Assuming that a MySQL server, an OntoServer and Tomcat have been running, the Webocrat system can now be started. By typing http://localhost:8080/Webocrat at a browser, the following figure will be displayed.
Figure 2.4 Webocrat homepage
To check whether the Webocrat knowledge base can be accessed, click the “Main Page” menu item. The following figure shows an example of the structure of the top level of the Webocrat knowledge base. A Webocrat user may view another structure of another knowledge base.
Figure 2.5 The structure of the top level of the
Webocrat knowledge base
The final step is to establish a connection between Tomcat and an HTTP server, and run the HTTP server. The following five steps have to be carried out.
Step 1: Installing an HTTP server.
The Apache HTTP
server package, httpd-2.0.47.tar.gz is available at
[]. The installation procedure is described in
INSTALL.txt, which can be found in the root directory of the software package.
A detailed description is available at []. To simplify
the description of the installation procedure, it is assumed that an HTTP
server has been installed in
Step 2:
Installing a connector.
A connector establishes a connection between
Tomcat and HTTP server. The software package, jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src.tar.gz is available at
Prior to installing the tomcat connectors, the
following software packages must be installed.
autoconf version 2.5 (or higher), e.g. autoconf-2.5.tar.gz. The package is
available at []. The installation procedure is
described in INSTALL which can be found in the root directory of the autoconf
libtool version 1.3.5 (or higher), e.g.
libtool-1.3.5.tar.gz. The package is available at
[]. The installation procedure is described in
INSTALL which can be found in the root directory of the libtool package.
the binary version of ant version 1.5.4 (or higher), e.g.
apache-ant-1.5.4-bin.tar.gz. The package is available at
Apache Portable Runtime (APR), e.g. apr_APACHE_2_0_35.tar.gz. The package is
available at
The installation procedure is described in which can be found in the
root directory of the APR package. Let us now assume that APR has been
installed at
To establish a connection between Tomcat and an
HTTP server, a connector module is required. There are two connector modules
which can be used to connect Tomcat to an HTTP server. These are “mod_webapp”
and “mod_jk2”. This section describes the “mod_webapp” module. The second
connector module, “mod_jk” is described in section 2.2.8.
To install the “mod_webapp”, the following commands have to be executed.
shell> cd /usr/local
shell> gunzip
shell> tar -xvf
shell> cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24/webapp
shell> ./support/
shell> ./configure \
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
--with-apr=/usr/local/apr \
shell> cd webapp
shell> make
If the source compilation is successful, the
two files that we need can now be found in
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24/build. Then,
the should be copied into /usr/local/apache2/modules;
tomcat-warp.jar should be copied into
Step 3: Configuring Tomcat.
Tomcat should be configured, such that Tomcat
can communicate with the HTTP server and handle a user request. The Tomcat
configuration file, “server.xml”, which can be found in $CATALINA_HOME/conf,
should have the following XML fragment.
Define an Apache-Connector Service -->
<Service name="Tomcat-Apache">
className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
Figure 2.6 An XML fragment which should be inserted into
the Tomcat configuration file, “server.xml” if “mod_webapp” connector is used
Given the XML fragment, Tomcat instantiates a
service, which establishes a connection between Tomcat and an HTTP server at
port 8008. The attribute, “name” of the XML tag, “Engine” should be filled with
an appropriate reference of a running HTTP server. In this example, the URL
reference of the HTTP server is
Step 4:
Configuring the HTTP server.
The HTTP server should be configured, such that
it can communicate with Tomcat, and redirect a user request to Tomcat. The HTTP
server configuration file, called httpd.conf, which can be found in
$HTTP_Server_HOME/configs, should contain the following lines.
1. ServerRoot
2. Listen 80
3. LoadModule
4. ServerAdmin
5. DocumentRoot “/usr/local/webocrat/www”
6. <Directory
7. NameVirtualHost *
(1) defines the root directory in which the
HTTP server has been installed.
(2) defines the port that is used by the
(3) defines the connector reference, which is
described in step 2. The HTTP server will then load a library module, called, and use the module as a connector which establishes a connection
between the HTTP server and Tomcat.
(4) defines the email address of a webmaster.
(5) & (6) set the root directory in which a
Web application package should be stored. (7) determines that a number of
virtual host are used. A virtual host can be defined as follows:
<VirtualHost *>
WebAppConnection warpconnection1 warp localhost:8008
Webocrat warpconnection1 /Webocrat
The XML fragment shows how a virtual host can
be defined, and a Web application can be deployed. In particular, it defines
virtual host which reserves a port. In this example, the virtual host name is, which reserves port 80;
connection which establishes a connection between the HTTP server and Tomcat.
In this example, the connection name is warpconnection1 which operates on
localhost:8008. A connector which is defined in the Tomcat configuration file
should reserve the same port (see figure 2.5);
document root at which the HTTP server will start looking for a directory (or
file) when a user request is submitted. In this example, the document root is
deployment of a new application, called Webocrat, which is placed under the
directory /Webocrat;
server administrator email address;
server error and access log file path names.
To check whether the configuration is correct,
the following command must be executed.
If the configuration is successful, the
message, “Syntax OK” will appear.
Step 5: Copy /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/webapps/Webocrat
into /usr/local/webocrat/www.
Step 6:
Shutting down and restarting Tomcat (see section 2.2.2, step 3 and 4).
Step 7:
Running the HTPP server.
To run the HTTP server, a control script,
apachectl, which can be found in $ HTTP_Server_HOME/bin should be executed as
/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl –k
To shut
down the HTTP server, the apachectl should be executed as follows:
shell> /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl –k stop
To restart
the HTTP server, the apachectl should be executed as follows:
shell> /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl –k restart
In order to run the Webocrat system through the HTTP server, the following steps have to be carried out.
Step 1:Running a MySQL server, or a MySQL daemon server.
Step 2:
Shutting down the OntoServer, Tomcat and the HTTP server.
Step 3:
Subsequently restarting the OntoServer, Tomcat and the HTTP server.
If the
installation and configuration of an HTTP server and Tomcat are correctly
performed, the Webocrat system can be accessed from a virtual host, which is
described in section 2.2.6, step 3. In this example, the URL reference of the
Webocrat start page is
described in section 2.2.6 (step 2), a connector is required in order to
establish a connection between Tomcat and an HTPP server. This section
describes the procedure for installing a connector module, called, “mod_jk2”.
Step 1:
Make sure that the software packages listed below have been installed.
1.3.5 (or higher);
http server 2.0;
(see section 2.2.6 step 2).
Step 2:
Download and unpack the following two software packages.
1. jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src.tar.gz which is available at
2. jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar which is available at
Step 3: Replace the jk directory from the jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src.tar.gz with
the jk directory from jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.
Step 4: Execute the following commands.
Let us assume that jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24 has been installed in /usr/local
shell> cd
configure \
--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
--with-java-home=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 \
--with-java-platform=2 \
--enable-jni \
--enable-debug \
--with-apr=/usr/local/apr \
shell> make
If the source compilation is successful, the
two modules, “” and “” can now be found in
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24/ jk/build/jk2/apache2.
Step 5:
Copy “” and “” to /usr/local/apache2/modules
Step 6:
copy /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src/jk/conf/
In addition, the HTTP server and Tomcat should
be configured, such that it can communicate with Tomcat, and redirect a user
request to Tomcat. The following two steps, step 7 and 8, explain the
configuration issues.
Step 7:
Configure Tomcat
On the Tomcat side, the
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/conf/ should contain the
following lines.
info=Map the whole Webocrat
The first line specifies the tomcat connector
handlers which should be instantiated. The last handler, “channelApr” maintains
a socket which is used for a communication channel. There are four types of
sockets which can be used for a communication channel. These are
“channelSocket”, “channelApr”, “channelUnix” and “channelJni”. In this example,
an APR channel is used.
The Tomcat configuration file,
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/conf/server.xml” should have the following XML
<!--Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Apache-Connector Service -->
<Service name="Tomcat-Apache">
<Engine name="Apache"
<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
Figure 2.7 An XML fragment which should be inserted into
the Tomcat configuration file, “server.xml” if “mod_jk2” connector is used
Given the XML fragment, Tomcat instantiates a
service, which establishes a connection between Tomcat and an HTTP server at
port 8009. The attribute, “defaultHost” of the XML tag, “Engine” should be
filled with an appropriate reference of a running HTTP server. In this example,
the URL reference of the HTTP server is
Step 8:
Configure the HTTP server.
On the HTTP server side, the
/usr/local/apache2/conf/ should contain the following lines.
info=Global server options
info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and
with multiprocess servers
info=Default load balancer.
info= using APR channel for communication
info=Status worker, displays runtime informations
infor=Display status information about mod_jk2 and
check config for changes.
info=Map the whole Webocrat
As described in section 2.2.6 (step 4), the
HTTP server configuration file, /usr/local/apache2/httpd.conf, should contain
the following lines.
ServerRoot “/usr/local/apache2”
Listen 80
LoadModule jk2_module modules/
DocumentRoot “/usr/local/webocrat/www”
<Directory “/usr/local/webocrat/www”>
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /usr/local/webocrat/www/
ErrorLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log
CustomLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log
The difference between this configuration
and the previous one (as described in section 2.2.4 step 4) is that
“” is used as the connector module.
Webocrat system is an application which consists of the following three
database interface establishes a connection between the Webocrat system and the
MySQL server;
servlet and JSP interfaces establish connections between the Webocrat system,
and Tomcat
knowledge base interface establishes a connection between the Webocrat system
and the OntoServer;
A number of
software components are required to support the Webocrat system. The following
table summarises all of them in an alphabetical order.
Package Name |
Version |
Ant |
1.4.1 |
2.0.35 |
Autoconf |
2.52 |
2.96 |
server |
2.0.47 |
Tomcat |
4.1.27 |
Tomcat Connectors (JTC) |
4.1.24 |
1.3 |
Libtool |
1.4 |
3.23.57 |
Table 2.5 All the software packages
which are needed to get the Webocrat system running.
In order to
run the Webocrat system, and fully exploit all the system features, it is
important that each interface can interact with the other three software
components: a MySQL server, an HTTP server and Tomcat. In addition, the
Webocrat system properties, which are listed in table 2.1 - 2.3, have to be set
correctly. In the case where one of the software components is shut down and we
want to restart it again, it is necessary to carry out the three steps which
are described in section 2.2.7.
To run the
Webocrat system and the other software components which support the system, a
number of shell scripts and executable files have to be subsequently executed.
The following table lists all the shell scripts in the order in which the shell
scripts must be executed. The first column lists all the shell scripts and executable
files. The second column lists the corresponding directory path references,
i.e. the directories in which the shell scripts or executable files are stored.
The third column describes the function of each shell script or executable
Script or executable file |
Directory path reference |
Function |
mysqld (or safe_mysqld) |
$MySQL_HOME/bin |
starting a MySQL server (or a MySQL daemon server) | |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/scripts |
the OntoServer | |
Tomcat |
–k start |
$HTTP_Server_HOME/bin |
starting an HTTP server |
Table 2.4 The list of all the shell scripts and
executable files for running a software component.
the following table lists all the shell scripts and executable files which are
used to shut down a software component.
Script or executable file |
Directory path reference |
Function |
mysqladmin -u root shutdown -p |
$MySQL_HOME/bin |
shutting down a MySQL server (or a MySQL
daemon server) | |
shutting down
Tomcat |
apachectl -k stop |
$HTTP_Server_HOME/bin |
down an HTTP server |
Table 2.5 The list of all the shell scripts and
executable files for shutting down a software component.
To shut
down the OntoServer, press Ctrl – C.
In section 2.2.4, how to run the OntoServer is described. This chapter explains how a newly created knowledge base can be loaded into the OntoServer via an editor, called Protégé (Grosso et al. 1999; Noy et al. 2000a,2000b), and application program interfaces, called Open Knowledge Base Connectivity (OKBC) (Chaudhri et al. 1998a, 1998b). The OntoServer is built on top of OKBC. The following figure depicts the interaction between the OntoServer and Protégé via OKBC.
Figure 3.1
The interaction between the OntoServer and Protégé via OKBC
Figure 3.1
illustrates a bi-directional communication between the OntoServer and Protégé.
In order to load a newly created knowledge base, a connection between the
OntoServer and Protégé via OKBC should be established. On the Protégé side,
OKBC is used to transfer a knowledge base to the OntoServer. On the OntoServer
side, OKBC is used to store the knowledge base into the Webocrat knowledge
base. Loading a newly created knowledge base into the OntoServer can be interpreted
as follows:
The following section describes how to carry out the five steps listed above.
In order to
load a newly created knowledge base into the Webocrat knowledge base, the
following steps have to be carried out.
Step 1: Running Protégé.
Protégé can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/tools/protégé. No installation is needed.
In order to run
Protégé, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is needed. A JDK (or JRE) version 1.2 (or above) has to be
installed. Then, the shell script, start_protégé.sh, which can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/tools/protégé, must be executed. The script contains the
following command line.
java -Xmx200M
Running Protégé from another directory can lead
to a failure in loading the plug-ins. At start-up time, Protégé lists six
plug-ins, which are located in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/tools/protégé/plugins, in the Protégé shell window. These
1. standard_extension.jar,
2. RelationTab.jar,
3. query_tab.jar,
4. OKBC_wcr_v_6_4.jar,
5. okbc.jar,
6. graphview.jar.
There are two plug-ins which are used to establish a bi-directional communication between the OntoServer and Protégé. These are "okbc.jar" and "OKBC_wcr_v_6_4.jar".
Step 2:
Create a new project, or open an existing project.
For a Webocrat user who is unfamiliar with
Protégé, a Protégé project file, wolverhampton.pprj, can be used as an example.
The file can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/tools/protégé/examples.
Open the project file from Project - Open menu item. Then, click the OKBC Webocrat tabbed panel. The
following figure shows the OKBC Webocrat tabbed panel.
Figure 3.2
OKBC Tabbed Panel
Step 3: Select a session.
To select a session, each of the
following text fields should be filled with a valid value. For example,
hostname = localhost
port = 5432
user = editor
password = editor
(see figure 3.2). In this example, it is
assumed that the OntoServer is running on a localhost. The user and password
used are editor, which allows a Webocrat user to have a read and write
permission when dealing with the Webocrat knowledge base. Section 3.2 discusses
this issue in detail. Then, click the "check sessions" button. A
session dialog will be displayed as shown below.
Figure 3.3
A session dialog
In the session dialog, a Webocrat user can
specify four session parameters. "Sessions" lists all the existing
sessions if any. The user may either join the existing session or create a new
session. "Duration" specifies how many hours a Webocrat user wants to
work in the session. "Owner" specifies the group which is allowed to
take part in the session, and have access to a knowledge base. In this example,
only the current user, JUST-ME is allowed to be in the session. Section 3.2
discusses this issue in detail. "Description" specifies the
description of a new session.
Step 4:
Open a connection to the OntoServer.
To open a connection to the OntoServer, click
the blue button, "connect >>"
(see figure 3.3). The following figure depicts a new dialog which shows
that a Webocrat user, "editor" has established a connection to the
Figure 3.4
A dialog which shows that a connection to the OntoServer has been
Step 5:
Create a new Webocrat knowledge base.
To create a new Webocrat knowledge base, the
old reference, "webocrat_ontology" must be removed by selecting the
reference, and pressing the "delete" button which is located at the
fourth place from the left. Then, click the "create" button which is
located at the second place from the left. A dialog box will appear (see figure
Figure 3.5 A dialog box in which a new ontology
name can be given
Creating a new knowledge base reference does
not mean that a new knowledge base has been created. At this time, the OntoServer
still has the old knowledge base reference. The newly created reference only
exists in the Protégé side.
In the case where we want to allow every
Webocrat user to view the newly created knowledge base from a browser, the text
field, which is associated with the label, “Saving for:” should be filled with
“EVERYONE” (as shown in figure 3.4).
Step 6:
Transfer and store a new knowledge base into the OntoServer persistently.
By now, it is assumed that a session has been
created, a connection to the OntoServer has
been established, and a new knowledge base reference has been created.
To transfer the newly created knowledge base to the OntoServer via OKBC, click
the blue arrow button which points to the left. As soon as the transfer is
started, the new knowledge base replaces the old one. At this point, the
changing only happens in the memory. The time needed for this task depends on
the size of the knowledge base being transferred. The larger the knowledge base
is, the longer the time needed for transferring the new knowledge base. Protégé
prints a message, “done.” on the shell window, when the transfer is complete.
To store the new knowledge base persistently,
click the "save" button which is located at the first place from the
left. In the case where we want to keep the old knowledge base, a backup copy
should be made before pressing the "save" button.
Step 7: Load the Webocrat ontology
from the OntoServer to the client-side.
load the Webocrat ontology from the OntoServer, go to the URL reference of the
admin page. For example,
Then, use username = “admin” and password = “admin” to enter the administration
page of the Webocrat system. Choose the tabbed panel, “Global settings”, and
then click the “Ontology Settings”. The following figure depicts the “Ontology
Settings” dialog.
Figure 3.6 The “Ontology Settings” dialog
The final step is to press the “Reload Ontology
Now” button. The “Ontology Settings” dialog can be used to (1) determine how
often the Webocrat system should automatically reload Webocrat ontology from
the OntoServer by specifying the refresh interval; (2) reload the Webocrat
ontology at any time by pressing the “Reload Ontology Now” button.
Step 8:
Display the newly created ontology on a browser.
To see the
newly created ontology on a browser, you have to be loggen in into the
administrator user interface. When you browse to Association statistics, you
will see the list of all the ontology nodes. When you try to change association
of any of the published document, you will be redirected to the page, where
ontology structure is listed in tree.
The following table shows all the user-password-permission combinations that a Webocrat user can choose, in order to be able to register to the OntoServer.
User |
Password |
Permission |
alien |
no password required |
read only |
webocrat |
wc |
read only |
admin |
no password required |
read and write |
editor |
editor |
read and write |
3.1 User Password Permission Combinations
There are five different groups to which a Webocrat user may belong. Table 3.2 shows the group permission combinations. Table 3.3 shows the possible user group combinations.
Group |
Permission |
Everyone |
read only |
WC_Clients |
read only |
Administrators |
read and write |
WC_Editors |
read and write |
read and write |
3.2 Group Permission Combinations
User |
Group |
admin |
Administrators |
editor |
WC_Editors |
editor |
webocrat |
WC_Clients |
3.3 User Group Combinations
The OntoServer stores the name of a user who creates a knowledge base and the group to which the user belongs, into the knowledge base. In other words, a knowledge base contains a creator name and the associated group. This strategy ensures that only the creator itself and other users who belong to the same group can access and modify the Webocrat knowledge base. In a scenario where a user registers to the OntoServer as "editor" and wants that the other users do not have access to a newly created knowledge base, the user should select the group category, "JUST-ME". This means that only the user itself can have access to the knowledge base. It is recommended however to save a newly created knowledge base for everyone (as shown in figure 3.4), so that every Webocrat user can view, but not modify, the knowledge base.
There are three limitations that the OntoServer does not support in this current release.
(1) The users who belong to "Administrators" or "WC_Editors" may join in one session, and want to modify the Webocrat knowledge base at the same time. In this current version, the OntoServer does not support a parallel update scenario. Only one user can do update on the server side. The other users still have the previous version of the knowledge base.
(2) The OntoServer does not provide a mechanism for loading a Webocrat knowledge base from the server into Protégé.
(3) The passwords and groups, which are listed in table 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 cannot be modified.
The Webocrat system provides a mechanism which enables users to use another language for graphical user interfaces. This chapter describes how to setup a new language environment, so that the language can be displayed in the Webocrat graphical user interfaces. There are eleven language property bundles which are stored in ten separate directories. They can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language. These are common, citizen, cmm, dfm, doc, cat, opr, rep, tpm, web. Each directory contains three property files. The directory, citizen, for example, contains, citizen_en_GB, citizen_sk_SK. The first property file is used as a default property. The second and third property files follow the following naming convention.
[a language property name] := [the name of a directory] + [_] + [language code] + [_] +
[country code] + [.properties]
In this current release, only british English and Slovakian properties are available. In order to setup another language, few lines of JSP codes should be integrated into the Webocrat system and eleven new language properties have to be created. The eleven language property bundles are listed below.
Property Bundle |
File Path Reference |
Common |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/common |
Articles |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/doc |
Discussion Forums |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/dfm |
Opinion Polling |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/opr |
Messages |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/rep |
Submissions |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/cmm |
Forms |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/cmm |
Web Resources |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/web |
Tenders |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/tpm |
Web Categories |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/cat |
Citizen |
$WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/citizen |
4.1 The eleven language property bundles
The following sections describe how to integrate few lines of JSP codes into the Webocrat system, and explain each of the eleven property bundles.
The Webocrat system always uses the default language property. In order to set another language variable, we need to add the following JSP codes into $WEBOCRAT_HOME/admin/login.jsp and $WEBOCRAT_HOME/login.jsp. An excerpt of the JSP file, $WEBOCRAT_HOME/admin/login.jsp is depicted below.
if (language != null) {
(language.compareToIgnoreCase("SK")==0) {
} else if (language.compareToIgnoreCase("GB")==0)
} else{
} else{
Let us assume that we want to define a language code, called xx, which is used by a country, which has a country code XX. The existing JSP page should then be modified as follows:
if (language != null) {
(language.compareToIgnoreCase("SK")==0) {
} else if
(language.compareToIgnoreCase("GB")==0) {
} else if
(language.compareToIgnoreCase("XX")==0) {
} else{
} else{
In order to be
able to define another language through adminBean, the package,
org.webocrat.wbc.admin has to be included (or imported) in the two JSP pages,
and an object, called adminBean has to be defined as follows:
page import="org.webocrat.wbc.admin.*,
id="adminBean" scope="session"
The same code should also be incorporated into $WEBOCRAT_HOME/login.jsp. Then, the parameter, language has to be set with the new language code when the JSP login page and the JSP admin login page are called as follows: =XX
The remaining sections discuss each language property.
The language property bundle, common, contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/common. A part of the property variables are associated with other Webocrat modules, such as discussion forums and opinion polls. The values of the variables can be viewed in the graphical user interfaces of the Webocrat administration pages. These values could be the labels of menus, menuitems or buttons, or textual information.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
Error |
A general text error message when a file is missing. |
no_java_script |
An error message which is given to a user when the browser used does not support Java scripts. |
admin_title |
The title text which appears on the top-right side of the front page of the Webocrat administration site. |
login_username login_password |
The two labels which represent username and password; each of them is associated with a text field. The two labels are located at the front page of the Webocrat administration site. |
login_login_button login_lhelp_button |
The two buttons, “login” and “help”, which are located at the front page of the Webocrat administration site. |
header_Administration |
The administration header which is located at the top-left side of the Webocrat administration main page. |
header_Logout |
The label button, “logout”, which is located at the top-right side of the Webocrat administration main page. |
header_Global_settings header_Categories |
The two main menus of the Webocrat administration main page. The main menus are located below the administration header. |
index_System_Settings index_Users index_Categories index_Articles index_Forums index_Pollings index_Messages index_Submissions index_Forms index_Web_Resources index_Tenders |
The eleven main menus of the Webocrat administration main page. The main menus are located at the left side of the Webocrat administration main page. Each menu contains several menu items. |
index_Database_Info index_Search_Settings index_Ontology_Settings index_Association_Statitics index_Watch_Dog |
The five menu items belong to the “System Settings” menu. |
index_User_Summary index_Passwords index_Create_User index_Remove_User index_Roles |
The five menu items belong to the “Users” menu. |
index_Summary index_Create index_Edit_Properties index_Remove |
The four menu items which belong to the “Articles” menu. |
index_Summary index_Create index_Edit_Properties index_Remove index_Content |
The five menu items which belong to the “Forums” menu. |
index_Summary index_Create index_Edit_Properties index_Remove index_Questions |
The five menu items which belong to the “Polling” menu. |
index_Summary index_Send |
The two menu items which belong to the “Messages” menu. |
index_Submission_Summary index_Remove_Submission |
The two menu items which belong to the “Submissions” menu. |
index_Form_Summary index_Add_New_Form index_Edit_Form index_Remove |
The four menu items which belong to the “Forms” menu. |
index_Summary index_Create index_Edit_Properties index_Remove |
The four menu items which belong to the “Web Resources” menu. |
index_Tender_Summary index_Create |
The two menu items which belong to the “Tenders” menu. |
dbinfo_Database_information dbinfo_Database_Properties dbinfo_Name dbinfo_Version dbinfo_JDBC_Driver_- Properties dbinfo_Driver dbinfo_version dbinfo_Connection_URL dbinfo_Connection_username dbinfo_Database_Capabilities dbinfo_Supports_transactions dbinfo_Supports_multiple_- connections dbinfo_is_in_readonly_mode dbinfo_Yes dbinfo_No |
Each property variable belongs to the “Database Info” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Database Info” menu item. |
search_Search_Settings search_The_search_indexer_- periodically search_If_you_choose_auto_- indexing serach_Auto_Indexing search_On search_Off search_Index_Path search_Last_indexed search_Refresh_Interval search_Refresh_every search_hours search_minutes search_Update search_Force_update_of_index search_This_will_index search_Update_Index_Now |
Each property variable belongs to the “Search Settings” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “System Settings” menu. Then, click the “Search Settings” menu item. There are sixteen property variables. The two variables, “search_Update” and “search_Update_Index_Now” are used as button labels. The two variables, “search_On” and “search_Off” are used as radio button labels. The remaining variables are used as labels or textual information. |
Ontology_Settings The_ontology_client_- periodically If_you_choose_auto_updating Auto_Updating onto_Last_updated onto_Refresh_Interval onto_Refresh_every onto_hours onto_minutes Force_reload_of_ontology This_will_reload_ontology_- from_server onto_Update Reload_Ontology_Now On Off |
Each property variable belongs to the “Ontology Settings” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “System Settings” menu. Then, click the “Ontology Settings” menu item. There are fifteen property variables. The two variables, “onto_Update” and “Reload Ontology Now” are used as button labels. The two variables, “On” and “Off”, are used as radio button labels. The remaining variables are used as textual information or labels. |
formsettings_WatchDog_- Manager formsettings_about formsettings_warning_if_turn_- off formsettings_Auto_state_- updating formsettings_On formsettings_Off formsettings_Last_update_of_- states formsettings_Refresh_Interval formsettings_Start_update_- every formsettings_hours formsettings_minutes formsettings_Samosprava_- e_mail_address formsettings_Webocrat_- e_mail_address formsettings_Update formsettings_Update_-Submission_Processing_Now formsettings_Force_update_of_- submission_processing_states formsettings_This_will_-update_any_states_of_sent_-submissions |
Each property variable belongs to the “Watch Dog Manager” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “System Settings” menu. Then, click the “Watch Dog” menu item. There are seventeen property variables. Two of which are used as button labels. These are “formsettings_Update” and “formsettings_Update_Submission_Processing_Now”. The remaining variable values are used as labels or textual information. There are six labels - in this dialog - which cannot be modified. These are “Mail_properties”, “Sending_host”, “Receiving_host”,
“Receiving_protocol”, “User” and
“Password”. The property bundle, common does not contain the six labels. |
userc_No_users userc_Try userc_creating_one userc_Choose_a_user users_Users users_Previous users_show users_users_per_page users_Next |
Each property variable belongs to the “User Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Users” menu. Then, click the “User Summary” menu item. |
usersr_Roles User_Roles_For Roles Assigned_roles Close |
Each property variable belongs to the “User Roles” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Users” menu. Then, click the “User Summary” menu item. Finally, click the “Roles” link. |
pwd_System_Settings pwd_Change_Passwords pwd_All_fields_are_required pwd_Please_re_enter_your pwd_admin_password pwd_Username_of_person_to_- change pwd_error pwd_Error_no_password_- entered pwd_New_password pwd_Confirm_new_password pwd_Change_Password |
Each property variable belongs to the “User Passwords” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Users” menu. Then, click the “Passwords” menu item. There are eleven property variables. One of which is used as a button label. That is “pwd_Change_Password”. The remaining variables are used as labels. |
creteuser_The_username createuser_is_already_taken_- Please_try_another_one creteuser_error creteuser_This_creates_a_user creteuser_New_User_- Information creteuser_firstName creteuser_lastName creteuser_optional creteuser_Email creteuser_Username creteuser_use_email creteuser_Password creteuser_again creteuser_Users creteuser_Create_User creteuser_Cancel |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create User” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Users” menu. Then, click the “Create User” menu item. There are sixteen property variables. Two of which are used as button labels. These are “creteuser_Create_User” and “creteuser_Cancel”. Three of which are used to generate error messages. These are “creteuser_The_username”, “createuser_is_already_taken_Please_try_another_one” and “creteuser_error”. The remaining variable values are used as labels or textual information. |
ruser_Users ruser_Remove_User ruser_Remove_This_User |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove User” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Users” menu. Then, click the “Remove User” menu item. |
ruser_Remove ruser_Warning_This_will_- permanently_delete ruser_Delete_User ruser_Cancel |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove User” dialog. To enter this dialog, click the “Users” menu. Then, click “Remove User” menu item. Finally, select a user name and click the “Remove This User …” button. |
roles_Roles roles_Previous roles_show roles_roles_per_page roles_Next roles_ID roles_Name roles_Description roles_Remove roles_Remove_Role roles_Warning_This_will_- permanently_delete roles_Delete_Role index_Roles roles_Create_New_Role createrole_Roles createrole_Create_Role createrole_The_name createrole_is_already_taken_- Please_try_another_one createrole_error creterole_This_creates_a_role createrole_New_Role_- Information createrole_Description createrole_Name |
Each property variable belongs to the “Roles” dialog. To enter this dialog, click the “Users” menu. Then, click “Roles” menu item. There are twenty-three property variables. One of which is used as a button label. That is “roles_Create_New_Role”. Three of which are used to generate error messages. These are “createrole_The_name”, “createrole_is_already_taken_Please_try_another_one” and “createrole_error”. |
AssignPermissions CreatePermissionsFor create_permissions operations roles Grand Revoke Cancel |
Each property variable belongs to “Assign Permissions” dialog. To get into this dialog, click “Summary” menu item, which can be found in “Articles”, “Pollings”, “Form Summary”, Web Resources” or “Tenders”. Then, click one of the “Permissions” link. There are eight property variables. Three of which are used as button labels. These are “Grand”, “Revoke” and “Cancel”. |
link_Associations link_Link_Resource link_Associations_for link_Required_resource_-cannot_be_loaded link_Find_associations_- according_to_name link_Select_all_relevant_- associations link_Link link_Close link_Resources_associations link_browse_associations link_search_results link_Update link_Cancel link_Remove link_Add_checked link_Find link_Add link_Add_All link_Add_selected |
Each property variable belongs to “Associations” dialog. To get into an “Associations” dialog, click “Summary” menu item, which can be found in “Articles”, “Pollings”, “Form Summary”, Web Resources” or “Tenders”. Then, click one of the “Associations” link. There are nineteen property variables; eight of which are used as button labels. The remaining variables are used as textual information or labels. |
Table 4.2 The language
property bundle, common.
The language property bundle for articles contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/doc.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
articles links view articlesperpage previous next id properties nodocresources try creatingone Permissions associations |
Each property variable belongs to the “Articles Summary”. To get into the “Articles Summary”, click the “Articles” menu. Then click the “Summary” menu item. |
remove |
The property variable is a shared variable which is used in “Articles Summary” and “Remove Article” dialog. |
create articlescreate picturefile articlebody attachmentfile |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create Articles”. To get into the “Create Articles”, click the “Articles” menu. Then, click “Create” menu item, which is located at the right side of the “Articles” tabbed panel. |
edit articlesedit Properties_for body update cancel |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Article Properties” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Articles” menu. Then, click “Edit Properties” menu item. Finally, click the “Edit” button in the “Edit Properties” dialog. |
title subtitle leadin |
The three property variables are shared variables which are used in the “Article Summary”, “Create Articles” and “Edit Article Properties” dialog. |
Table 4.3 The language
property bundle for articles
The language property bundle for discussion forums contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/dfm.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
dfm_capital_forums dfm_previous dfm_next dfm_show dfm_forums_per dfm_id dfm_forum_name dfm_desc dfm_threads dfm_messages dfm_properties dfm_permissions dfm_search_content dfm_search_remove dfm_no_forum dfm_try dfm_create |
Each property variable belongs to the “Forum Summary”. To get into the “Forum Summary”, click the “Forums” menu. Then click the “Summary” menu item. |
dfm_create_forum dfm_forum_name forum_description dfm_optional dfm_error dfm_input_create dfm_nopermission |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create Forum” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forums” menu. Then click the “Create” menu item. |
dfm_edit_forum_prop dfm_properties_for dfm_change_forum dfm_change_desc dfm_associations dfm_input_update dfm_capital_cancel dfm_edit |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Forum Properties” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forums” menu. Then click the “Edit Properties” menu item. Finally, click the “Edit Properties” button in the “Edit Forum Properties” dialog. |
dfm_moderated dfm_unmoderated dfm_moderate_threads dfm_moderate_all |
Each property variable is a shared variable which is used in the “Create Forum” and “Edit Forum Properties” dialog. |
dfm_forums_remove dfm_remove dfm_thread dfm_view dfm_warning dfm_all dfm_delete_warning dfm_delete_forum dfm_cancel |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Forum” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forums” menu. Then click the “Remove” menu item. |
dfm_forum_manage dfm_threads_per_page dfm_No_threads dfm_topic dfm_replies dfm_date dfm_delete |
Each property variable belongs to the “Manage Forum Content” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forums” menu. Then click the “Content” menu item. . |
dfm_manage_thread dfm_Approved |
Each property variable belongs to the “Manage Thread Content” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forums” menu. Then, click the menu item, “Content”. Finally, click one of the topic references in the “Manage Thread Content” dialog. |
Table 4.4 The language property bundle for discussion forums
The language property bundle for opinion polling contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/opr.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
Pollings Previous Next show pollings_per_page ID Polling_Name Description Edit Properties Question Permissions Remove Print_Results Results_num No_pollings2 Try creating_one |
Each property variable belongs to the “Polling Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the “Summary” menu item. |
Questions Edit_Questions No_questions Create_New_Question questions_per_page informal |
Each property variable belongs to the “Questions” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the “Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Questions” link references. |
Create_question |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create New Questions” dialog. To get into this dialog, go to the “Question” dialog. Then, click the “Create New Question” button. |
Yes No |
Each property variable belongs to the “Polling Results” form. To get into this form, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the “Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Results” link references. |
Create_polling Polling_name Polling_name_is_required Polling_description Closing_date_must_be_after_starting_date Closing_date_has_unknown_format Error_creating_polling Error_creating_question Create |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create Polling” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the menu item, “Create”. |
Edit_This_Polling_Properties Edit_Polling_Properties Properties_for Change_Polling_name Change_Polling_description Associations No_pollings |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Polling Properties” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the “Edit Properties” menu item. Finally, click the “Edit This Polling Properties” button in the “Edit Polling Properties” dialog. |
Starting_Date Closing_Date optional |
Each property variable is a shared variable which is used in the “Create Polling” and “Edit Polling Properties” dialogs. |
Remove_Polling Remove_This_Polling Remove2 Warning_This_will_delete all questions_and_results_Are_you_sure |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Polling” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the “Remove” menu item. Finally, click the “Remove This Polling…” button in the “Remove Polling” dialog. |
Edit_question |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Questions” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the “Questions” menu item. Finally, click the “Edit Question…” button in the “Edit Question” dialog. |
Type Answers Question? Question_is_required yes_no one_predefined_answer many_predefined_answers informal_question You_must_define_only_two You_cant_define_answer_for You_must_define_some_answers |
Each property variable is a shared variable which is used in the “Create Questions” and “Edit Questions” dialogs. |
Remove_Question Remove_question results_Are_you_sure |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Questions” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Pollings” menu. Then, click the “Questions” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Remove” link references in the “Edit Question” dialog. |
Table 4.5 The language property bundle for opinion pollings
The language property bundle for messaging contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/rep.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
Messages Previous Next show messages_per_page ID Channel Headline Text Creation_Date Remove No_messages Try creating_one |
Each property variable belongs to the “Message Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Messages” menu. Then, click the menu item, “Summary”. |
Messages_Remove_Message Remove2 Warning_This_will_delete_message Delete_Message Cancel |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Message” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Messages” menu. Then, click the menu item, “Summary”. Finally, click one of the “Remove” link references. |
Send_message Message_headline Message_text optional Recipients Send You_must_select_some_recipients Message_headline_is_required |
Each property variable belongs to the “Send Message” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Messages” menu. Then, click the menu item, “Send”. |
Table 4.6 The language property bundle for messaging
The language property bundle for submissions contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/cmm.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
Submissions SubmissionsPerPage ID User Form SendingDate ModifiedDate RemoveSubmission ShowSubmission |
Each property variable belongs to the “Submission Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Submissions” menu, Then, click the menu item, “Submission Summary”. |
RemoveSubmission RemoveThisSubmission |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Submission” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Submissions” menu, Then, click the menu item, “Remove Submission”. |
NoSubmissions |
This property variable is used by “Submission Summary” and “Remove Submission” dialog. |
Cancel |
This property variable is
used in the “Remove Submission” dialog. |
Table 4.7 The language property bundle for submissions
The language property bundle for forms contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/cmm.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
Forms NoForms Try AddingOne Previous Next show FormsPerPage ID EditForm Associations Permissions RemoveForm ShowForm |
Each property variable belongs to the “Form Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forms” menu. Then, click “Form Summary” menu item. |
EditThisForm PropertiesFor ChangeFormName ChangeFormDescription ChangeFormTemplate ChangeFormType Associations Update |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Form” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forms” menu. Then, click the “Form Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Edit Form” link references in the “Form Summary” dialog. |
AddForm FormName FormDescription FormTemplate FormNameRequired FormTemplateRequired Add |
Each property variable belongs to the “Add New Form” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forms” menu. Then, click the “Add New Form” menu item. |
RemoveForm RemoveThisForm Warning all AreYouSure |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Form” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Forms” menu. Then, click the “Remove” menu item. |
Table 4.8 The language property bundle for forms
The language property bundle for Web resources contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/web.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
links previous next show webresourcesperpage nowebresources. try creatingone id properties permissions associations remove |
Each property variable belongs to the “Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Web Resources” menu. Then, click the “Summary” menu item. |
create MimeType optional WebResource_name_is_required |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Web Resources” menu. Then, click the “Create” menu item. |
Properties_for associations update edit |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Properties” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Web Resources” menu. Then, click the “Edit Properties” menu item. |
Links name description url fullurl |
Each property variable is a shared variable which is used in “Summary”, “Create” and “Edit Properties” dialog. |
WebResources |
The property variable belongs to the “Remove” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Web Resources” menu. Then, click the “Remove” menu item. |
Remove |
The property variable is a shared variable which is used in the “Summary” and “Remove” dialogs |
Cancel |
The property variable is used as a button label which is used in “Create”, “Edit Properties” and “Remove” dialog. |
Table 4.9 The language property bundle for Web resources
The language property bundle for tenders contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/tpm.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
tpm_previous tpm_next tpm_tender_list tpm_show tpm_tenders_per tpm_reference tpm_tender_name tpm_active tpm_awarded tpm_edit tpm_permissions tpm_remove tpm_close tpm_award tpm_no_tenders tpm_try tpm_creating |
Each property variable belongs to the “Tender Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Tender” menu. Then, click the “Tender Summary” menu item. |
tpm_view_tender |
The property variable belongs to the “View Tender” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Tender” menu. Then, click the “Tender Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the tender link references in the “Tender Summary” dialog. |
tpm_edit_tender tpm_tender_required tpm_reference_required tpm_deadline_required tpm_person_required tpm_email_required tpm_telephone_required tpm_summary_required tpm_document_name_required tpm_location_required tpm_Associations |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Tender” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Tender” menu. Then, click the “Tender Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Edit” link references in the “Tender Summary” dialog. |
tpm_title tpm_tender_status tpm_tender_active tpm_tender_closed tpm_reference_number tpm_date_published tpm_deadline tpm_person tpm_email tpm_telephone tpm_summary tpm_date_awarded tpm_award_details tpm_document_name tpm_document_location tpm_document_type tpm_error_viewing_tender |
Each property variable is a shared variable which is used in the “View Tender” and “Edit Tender” dialogs. |
tpm_remove_tender tpm_delete_warning |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Tender” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Tender” menu. Then, click the “Tender Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Remove” link references in the “Tender Summary” dialog. |
tpm_close_tender tpm_close_title tpm_close_warning |
Each property variable belongs to the “Close Tender” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Tender” menu. Then, click the “Tender Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Close” link references in the “Tender Summary” dialog. |
tpm_award_tender tpm_details tpm_details_error tpm_error |
Each property variable belongs to the “Award Tender” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Tender” menu. Then, click the “Tender Summary” menu item. Finally, click one of the “Award” link references in the “Tender Summary” dialog. |
tpm_create_tender tpm_create tpm_error_creating |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create Tender” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Tender” menu. Then, click the “Create” menu item. |
tpm_tender |
The property variable is a shared variable which is used in “Remove Tender” and “Close Tender” dialogs. |
tpm_tenders |
The property variable is a shared variable which is used in “Edit Tender” and “Award Tender” dialogs |
tpm_cancel |
The property variable is a button label which is used in “Edit Tender”, “Remove Tender”, “Close Tender” and “Award Tender” dialogs. |
Table 4.10 The language property bundle for tenders
The language property bundle for Web categories contains the property variables which are listed below. It can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/cat.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
cat_capital_categories cat_previous cat_next cat_no_category cat_try cat_create cat_show cat_categories_per cat_id cat_desc cat_properties cat_remove_capital cat_associations |
Each property variable belongs to the “Web Category Summary” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Categories” menu. Then, click the “Summary” menu item. |
cat_create_category cat_input_create category_description cat_optional cat_exist_error |
Each property variable belongs to the “Create Category” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Categories” menu. Then, click the “Create” menu item. |
cat_category_name |
The property variable is a shared variable which is used in “Web Category Summary” and “Create Category” dialogs. |
cat_edit_category_prop cat_properties_for cat_change_category cat_change_desc cat_input_update cat_error cat_edit |
Each property variable belongs to the “Edit Properties” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Categories” menu. Then, click the “Edit Properties” menu item. |
cat_parents cat_childs cat_remove_button cat_Choose_categories cat_parent_button cat_child_button |
The property variables are shared variables which are used in “Create Category” and “Edit Properties” dialogs. |
cat_remove cat_search_remove cat_radio_edit cat_radio_remove cat_warning cat_all cat_delete_warning cat_cancel cat_goback cat_categories_remove cat_delete_category |
Each property variable belongs to the “Remove Category” dialog. To get into this dialog, click the “Categories” menu. Then, click the “Remove” menu item. Finally, click the “Remove This Category” button. |
cat_capital_cancel |
The property variable is a shared variable which is used as a button label in the “Create Category”, “Edit Properties” and “Remove Category” dialogs. |
All the property bundles which are described in section 4.2 – 4.11 belong to the Webocrat administration Web site. The language property bundle, citizen, however, does not belong to the Webocrat administration Web site. This is merely used in a Webocrat Web site for a Webocrat user (citizen). The language property bundle can be found in $WEBOCRAT_HOME/WEB-INF/classes/language/citizen, and contains the property variables which are listed below.
Property Variable Name |
Description |
include.navbar.1 include.navbar.2 include.navbar.3 |
The three property variables can be found in the front page of the Webocrat citizen Web site. The variable, “include.navbar.1” is the root of the Webocrat navigation links. The variable, “include.navbar.2” is used as the label of a search button. The variable, “include.navbar.3” is used as the label of an advanced search menu item. |
login.1 login.2. login.3 login.4 login.5 login.6 login.7 |
The property variables belong to the “login” dialog. To enter this dialog, click the login menu which is located at the right side of the Webocrat citizen Web site. The variables, login.1 and login.2, are used for textual information. The variables, login.3, login.4 and login.5 are used as user name, password and required fields labels. The variables, login.6 and login.7 are used as button labels for login and cancel. |
login.error.1 login.error.2 |
The property variables belong to the “login” dialog. To enter this dialog, click the login menu which is locate at the right side of the Webocrat citizen Web site. The value of each variable can be seen when a login error has occurred. |
include.user.1 include.user.2 include.user.3 include.user.4 include.user.5 include.user.6 |
All the property variables are textual information which are used for describing login-related text messages. The text messages are located at the right side of the Webocrat citizen Web site. |
createAccount.1 createAccount.2. createAccount.3. createAccount.4 createAccount.5 createAccount.6 createAccount.7 createAccount.8 createAccount.9 createAccount.10 createAccount.11 createAccount.12 createAccount.13 createAccount.14 createAccount.15 createAccount.16 createAccount.17 |
The property variables belong to the “create a new account” dialog. To enter this dialog, click the “create a new account” menu which is located at the right side of the Webocrat citizen Web site. Each variable is used as a label except the two variables, “createAccount.15 and createAccount.16”; each of them is used as a button label. |
createAccount.error.1 createAccount.error.2 createAccount.error.3 createAccount.error.4 |
The property variables belong to the “create a new account” dialog. To enter this dialog, click the “create a new account” menu which is located at the right side of the Webocrat citizen Web site. The value of each variable can be seen when an error has occurred or the new user information given are not complete. |
account.1 account.2 account.3 account.4 account.5 account.6 account.7 account.8 account.9 account.10 account.11 account.12 account.13 account.14 account.15 account.16 account.17 account.18 account.19 account.20 account.21 account.22 account.23 account.24 account.25 account.interval.1 account.interval.2 account.interval.3 account.interval.4 account.interval.5 |
The property variables belong to the “user profile” dialog. To enter this dialog, a user should login into the Webocrat citizen Web site. Then, click the “Your Profile” menu which is located at the right side of the Webocrat citizen Web site. |
account.error.1 account.error.2 account.error.3 account.error.4 account.error.5 account.error.6 |
The property variables belong to the “user profile” dialog. To enter this dialog, a user should login into the Webocrat citizen Web site. Then, click the “Your Profile” menu which is located at the right side of the Webocrat citizen Web site. These variables are only
used to display an error messages when an error has occurred. |
resource.type.-1 resource.type.3 resource.type.6 resource.type.9 resource.type.10 resource.type.11 resource.type.12 |
Each property variable represents the type of the information which are managed by the Webocrat system. Resource type 3, for example, indicates that the information are associated with a discussion forum. |
article.1 articles.1 articles.2 articles.3 |
All the property variables belong to an article site. To enter an article site, click an article link reference which represents the title text of an article. |
forum.1 forum.2 forum.3 forum.4 forum.5 forum.6 forum.7 forum.8 forum.9 forum.10 |
All the property variables belong to a forum site. To enter a forum site, click a forum link reference which represents a forum reference. |
thread.1 thread.2 thread.3 thread.4 thread.5 thread.6 thread.7 thread.8 thread.9 thread.10 |
All the property variables belong to a site which lists all the topics which refer to a discussion forum. To enter this site, click a forum link reference which represent a forum reference. Then, click a topic which refers to the forum reference. |
forums.1 forums.2 forums.3 forums.4 forums.5 forums.6 forums.7 |
All the property variables belong to the “Webocrat Forums” site. To enter this site, click the “Webocrat Forums” navigation link which is located at the navigation bar. |
tender.1 tender.2 tender.3 tender.4 tender.5 tender.6 tender.7 tender.8 tender.9 tender.10 tender.11 tender.12 |
All the property variables belong to a tender site. To enter a tender site, click a tender link reference which represents a tender reference. |
tenders.1 tenders.2 tenders.3 tenders.4 tenders.5 tenders.6 |
All the property variables belong to the “Webocrat Tenders” site. To enter this site, click the “Webocrat Tenders” navigation link which is located at the navigation bar. |
polling.1 polling.2 polling.3 polling.4 polling.5 polling.6 polling.7 polling.8 polling.9 polling.10 polling.11 polling.12 |
All the property variables belong to a polling site. To enter a polling site, click a polling link reference which represents a polling reference. |
pollingResults.1 pollingResults.2 pollingResults.3 pollingResults.4 pollingResults.6 pollingResults.7 pollingResults.8 pollingResults.9 pollingResults.10 pollingResults.11 pollingResults.12 |
Each property variable belongs to the “Opinion Polling Result” site. To get into this site, click one of the polling result references. |
pollings.1 pollings.2 pollings.3 pollings.4 pollings.5 pollings.6 pollings.7 pollings.8 |
All the property variables belong to the “Webocrat Pollings” site. To enter this site, click the “Webocrat Pollings” navigation link which is located at the navigation bar. |
forms.1 forms.10 forms.14 forms.2 forms.5 forms.7 forms.8 forms.9 forms.21 forms.22 forms.4 forms.17 forms.11 forms.12 forms.6 forms.3 forms.13 forms.status.0 forms.status.1 forms.status.2 forms.status.3 |
All the property variables belong to the “Webocrat Forms and Submission” site. To enter this site, click the “Webocrat Forms and Submission” navigation link which is located at the navigation bar. |
iterator.1=Previous iterator.2=Next iterator.3=Pages: |
The three variables are shared variables which are used to navigate a number of different lists of pages. The variable, “iterator.1” is used as a label of a navigation link which refers to the previous list of pages. In contrast, the variable, “iterator.2” is used as a label of a navigation link which refers to the next list of pages. The variable, “iterator.3” is used as a label which is associated with the number of pages within a list. |
search.result.1 search.result.2 search.result.3 search.banner.1 search.banner.2 search.banner.3 search.banner.4 search.banner.5 search.banner.6 search.1 search.2 search.3 search.4 search.5 search.6 search.7 search.8 search.9 search.10 search.11 search.12 search.13 search.14 search.15 search.16 search.17 search.sort.1 search.sort.2 |
All the property variables belong to the “Search” dialog. |
search.error.1 search.error.2 |
The two property variables are used for representing textual information which state that a Webocrat user enters an invalid search parameter into a search text field. |
Table 4.11 The language property bundle for citizen
The Webocrat system provides a mechanism which enable users to use another language for graphical user interfaces. This chapter explains how to setup a new language environment, so that the language can be displayed in the Webocrat graphical user interfaces.
To use a new language,
All the property bundles, which are listed in table 4.1, belong to the Webocrat administration Web site, except the property bundle for citizen. The property bundle, citizen belongs to a Webocrat Web site for a Webocrat user (citizen).
Apachectl = Apache Control Script
APR = Apache Portable Runtime
APXS = Apache Extension Tool
CSAP = Communication, Security, Authentication and Privacy
DB = Database
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol
JDBC = Java Database Connectivity
JDK = Java Development Kit
JRE = Java Runtime Engine
JSP = Java Server Pages
JTC = Jakarta Tomcat Connector
JVM = Java Virtual Machine
KB = Knowledge Base
OKBC = Open Knowledge Base Connectivity
RMI = Remote Method Invocation
TUK = Technical University of Kosice
TUKOS = Technical University of Kosice Ontology Server
WC = Webocrat
Chaudhri, V.K., Farquhar, A., Fikes, R., Karp, P.D. and Rice, J. (1998a) Open Knowledge Base Connectivity 2.0. Technical Report (KSL-98-06), Knowledge System Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, USA.
Chaudhri, V.K., Farquhar, A., Fikes, R.,
Karp, P.D. and Rice, J. (1998b) OKBC: a programmatic foundation for knowledge
bases interoperability. Proceedings of the 15th national conference on artificial
intelligence (AAAI 1998), July 26 -30, 1998, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Grosso, W. E., Eriksson, H., Fergerson, R.
W., Gennari, J.H., Tu, S.W. and Musen, M. A. (1999) Knowledge modeling at the
milliennium (the design and evolution of Protege-2000). Proceedings of the
12th workshop on knowledge acquisition, modeling and management,
October 16-22, 1999, Banff, Canada.
Noy, N. F., Fergerson, R. and Musen M. A.
(2000a) The knowledge model of Protege-2000: combining interoperability and
flexibility. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on
knowledge engineering and knowledge management (EKAW 2000), October 2 - 6,
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