Help for the WEBOCRAT system

WEBOCRAT help. Choose and click topic from the Content.
1. Introduction 3. Actions. How to...?
    1.1 Basic terms    3.1 Logging into the System
    1.2 Pictures    3.2 Profile, Customisation
2. Parts of Screen    3.3 Fulltext Search
   2.1 Upper Navigation Bar    3.4 Relevant Search
   2.2 Menu    3.5 Pollings
   2.3 User    3.6 Discussion Forums
   2.4 Main Window    3.7 Forms, submitting a submission
   2.5 Lists    3.8 Tenders

1. Introduction

WEBOCRAT system is a system for the simplified communication between citizen and the local authority. Citizen can find the information provided by the local authority in the Webocrat System and he/she can participate in the discussions, where not only citizens but also a Local Authority employees can participate. He/She can participate in the pollings ad submit submissions to the local authority via predefined forms. If he will decide to register with the system he will be informed about the information he is interesting in via the predefined profile.
Information in the WEBOCRAT is interconnected via knowledge base. That means, user can search information related via it's content. For example, user can find all the related articles, discussions, pollings, forms, tenders and weblinks to published article.

Users can be divided into the users groups, so only the relevant published information will be visible to the particular users group. Contact system adminstrator for the information about what user groups are registered in your system.



1.1 Basic terms

Basic terms used in the system interface:

user: citizen, or local authority employee
profile: basic data about the user and his/her area of teh interest
area of teh interest: chosen categories, user wants to be informed about
categories: items in the menu right part of the users screen, logical structure of the themes
documents: published information. Articles, Discussions, Pollings, Tenders, Forms, Web Links
articles: information published in form of the text with images and attachment
forums: Discussions about several topics
pollings: User can answer to predefined answers in the Polls
tenders: Publishing of the tenders
forms: Used to send submissions to local authority. Submission is visible only to the user who sent it.



1.2 Pictures

V\User can use pictograms to orient through the system:

setting up the informations about the user
user's area of teh interest
password settings, logging into the system
category in the user's area of the interest
add category to the area of the interest
articles, article
discussions, discussion
add thread to the discussion
add post to the discussion
view posts as a list, view posts as a tree
pollings, polling
polling results
polling informal answers
forms, form
submissions, submission
tenders, tender
web link

relevancy measure (more the green points, more relevant the document is)
language switch
unchanged document
changed document
new document
view more



2. Parts of Screen
WEBOCRAT screen can be divided into 5 basic parts
Upper Navigation Bar
Main Window User


2.1 Upper Navigation Bar
  • Webocrat » Articles – Navigation path in the site structure. It Webocrat is the upper path element. Other elements are listed as user browses the site.
  • Advanced search – Clickin on this link user is taken to window where advanced search parameters can be set
  • "Search" button. First enter searched words into the frame before this bytton, then press it. Relevant documents will be searched for.
  • National flag pictures. Fo rthe language switch.


2.2 Menu

A hierarchical structure of categories is displayed in the main window. The WEBOCRAT category, also referenced as home category, is shown on the upper level.

The category we are actually in is called a current category. It is highlighted in different color above the menu.

User can click any category to browse for the information related to this category.


2.3 User

If there is no user logged into the system user's part of the window looks like follows:

Clicking on View submissions will show all submissions sent by anonymous user.
Clicking on News for the user will show all the news for the anonymous user.
Clicking on Log in wil open the spage where user can log into the system
Clicking on Create new profile will open the page, where new user can register into the system.
Clicking on Help will open window you are currently reading.

Ak je prihlásený zaregistrovaný používateľ časť okna pre používateľa vyzerá takto:

Clicking on View submissions will show all submissions sent by the user currently logged in.
Clicking on News for the user will show all the news for the user currently logged in.
Clicking on Log off sa prihlásený používateľ odhlási zo systému.
Clicking on Your profile will enable to change the profile information of the user currently logged in.
Clicking on Help will open window you are currently reading.


2.4 Main Window

According to the situation, Main Window can show several types of the content. User can identify, what is currently in the main window by pictogram picture in the laft upper part of the main window.

If this picture is in the left upper part, category is viewed in the main window. List of the documents related to this category is listed also. If the registered user is loggen in, he/she may see news in the main window also.

Category currentli viewed is also in the user's area of the interrest.

or . Published article (with list of related documents) is viewed, or the list of the articles is viewed.

Similar to the articles above, the Discussions, Pollings, Tenders and Forms can be viewed (see pictures)

discussion thread is viewed

news are viewed

areas of the interest are viewed

user personal settigs

login screen or password change screen is viewed

search, or advanced search or search results are viewed



2.5 Lists

To show full list of the published documents of one type user can click links in the bottom right part of the screen.


3. Actions. How to...?
3.1 Logging into the system

Not registered user cannot see the material published only for the registered users. He also cannot set up his area of the interest.

Registered user is automaticali informed about the changes related to his area of the interest.

Logging in is held via the Log in link in the User part of the screen.

Not registered users can create new account via the Create new profile link in the user part of the screen. After clicking this link user has to enter his new login name, password, first name, last name. He/she also can fill in the e-mail , Street, Street number, Town, eslo, kontaktnú e-mail adresu (táto je nepovinná), meno, priezvisko. Môže tiež zadať ulicu, číslo domu, miesto a PSČ a po potvrdení sa mu vytvorí nové konto. Tým je používateľ zaregistrovaný a prihlásený do systému.


3.2 Profile creation

Profie is user's area of interest defined by chosen categories from the menu. If there is a new document in the system related to the category in the user's area of interest, he is notofied about it by e-mail or in the news part of interface.

To change profile user should click link change your profile in user part of the screen. He can then change registration information as name, login, address. selecting tab "Areas of interest" two lists of categories will be shown. First one is the list of the categories already in the users area of uinterest and second one is the list of all categories in systemSelecting categories and clicking Add or Remove buttons will add or renmove categories from the first list. Changes are stored immediately.

Another way of adding category is to click on link add category to favorite. You will find it on the page, when category is viewed and user is logged in.


3.3 Fulltext search

All the published content is indexed fulltextually. It enables the fulltext for information. Indexing is periodical, so it is possible, some information will not be available immediatly after it is published (according to administrator settings).

Fulltext search can be run by filling searched word sentence into the textbox in the navigation bar and pressin Search button or via Advanced search link clicking. Searched text should be in the standard syntax (see for more information) using operators like AND, OR, NOT, *, a pod. After the search, list of the documents is listed, ordered by the relevancy.


3.4 Context search

As published information is linked in various ways via knowledge based, non fulltext so called context search can result in more accuracy in returned relevant documents.

Context search is hidden in several operations in the system.

  1. Search documents by category
    When clicking on any category, search for the documents related to the category automaticaly runs resulting in list of relevant documents under the category description.
  2. Search documents by documents
    When document of any type is viewed in the webocrat, list of relevant documents is listed also.
  3. Search document by keywords.
    Everytime the WEBOCRAT system lists list of searched documents (via fulltext search, search by category, search by documents, search by keywords) list of keywords related to this list of documents is also listed. User can click on any keyword and he will be provided with list of all documents related to this keyword.


3.5 Polling

User can participate in pollings published in the system. Pollings are:

  • visible to all ,all users including anonymous user can participate in it
  • or adressed, visible only to the selected group of users

Link to the polling user can achieve when it is listed as related to any category, document, keyword or fulltext search or he/she can click on
List of all pollings
in the Lists section right bottom of the screen.

After he clicks on the polling link, he can answer to listed answers and send it to the local authority by clicking on "Send polling" button. It is possible to view prel;iminary results also

If the polling is no more active, it is only possible to view it's results. Answers in form of free text can be viewed by clicking on View informal answers Neformálne odpovede. in the results of the polling.


3.6 Discussion Forums, posting messages

User can post messages in forums published in the system. Forums are:

  • visible to all ,all users including anonymous user can participate in it
  • or adressed, visible only to the selected group of users

User can achieve link to the forum when it is listed as a related document to any category, document, keyword or fulltext search or he/she can click on
List of all forums
link in the Lists section right bottom part of the screen.

After he clicks on the Forum link he will be provided with possibility to click on one of the thredads already discussed about the main topic or he/she can create the new thread by clicking on
Create new thread

If he/she want to post message to any thread, he/she can click on any thread and the list of posted messages will appear. Messages can be sorted as a list, or as a tree .

To answer any message it is needed to click on Answer link next to any post. Window will open where user can write in his/her text of a message. If the user is not logged into the system, Anonymous will be the autor of new posts.

If the Discussion Forum is moderated, messages and threads will not appear in the WEBOCRAT immediately. They will appear after the one of the moderator users will validate it.


3.7 Submissions, sending a filled Form

System enables filling of the predefined forms and sending them as an submissions to the local authority. Forms can be

  • visible to all ,all users including anonymous user can submit them
  • or adressed, visible only to the selected group of users

User can achieve link to the form when it is listed as a related document to any category, document, keyword or fulltext search or he/she can click on
List of all forms
link in the Lists section right bottom part of the screen.

After he clicks on the Form, window will appear where he can fill in informations. After he clicks on Send button he can review informations filled in and by clicking Send button again the submission is sent to the local government.

List of the submissions, submissions are the submitted filled in forms. To view list of all submissions user can click on
View all submissions

link in the user part of the screen or clicking the same link at the top of the all Forms list. User can also click "View submissions" link next to Form in the all Forms list to view onli submissions related to this Form.

In the list of the submissions user can see the date when the submission was sent, status of the submission (where it currently is on the local authority) and if it is already answered by the local authority, he will find the answer here.


3.8 Tenders

It is possible to publish tenders on WEBOCRAT site. Like the other documents in the WEBOCRAT, tenders can be

  • visible to all ,all users including anonymous user can view and participate in it
  • adressed, visible only to the selected group of users

User can achieve link to the tender when it is listed as a related document to any category, document, keyword or fulltext search or he/she can click on
List of all tenders
link in the Lists section right bottom part of the screen.

After the user clicks on tender he is able to view details about the tender. If the tender is finished, user can view the details of the tender grant.