
Press releases in External Media

  1. Slovak Radio (, Slovakia, 31 January 2006 - Radiojournal, 12.00am, “Accessible public administration on the Internet thanks to an EU Project” – a note on the Access-eGov Project (services provided to citizens and businesses) and Kick off meeting in Kosice.
  2. Press agency of Slovak Republic (TASR), 27 January 2006 – Press release on the Access-eGov Project sent electronically to TASR (, Slovakia
  3. Press agency SITA, 30 January 2006 – Press release on the Access-eGov Project and Kick off meeting in Kosice sent electronically to SITA (, Slovakia
  4. Slovak Radio, Slovakia 13 February 2006 – interview of Tomas Sabol, to the Slovak Radio (, broadcasted on 15 January 2006 in morning and noon broadcasting.
  5. Basic facts and a description of the Access-eGov project published on the web of Schleswig-Holstein State Government (in German).
  6. Radio Lumen (, Slovakia, 22 May 2007 - Interview with Kosice self governing region representative about the Access-eGov project implementation.
  7. SWC - Semantic Web Company: brief description of the Access-eGov project.
  8. PRLEAP.COM: Access-eGov: Accessible eGovernment embracing the Semantic Web. Zoe Apostolopoulou, February 24, 2006.
  9. ClickPress: Access-eGov: Accessible eGovernment embracing the Semantic Web. Zoe Apostolopoulou, February 27, 2006.
  10. IST World: basic facts and a description of the Access-eGov project.
  11. FREE PRESS RELEASES: Access-eGov: Accessible eGovernment embracing the Semantic Web - Progress. Karel Van Isacker, January 27, 2007.
  12. eGov Monitor: Access-eGov: Accessible eGovernment embracing the Semantic Web. January 29, 2007.
  13. Access-eGov success story on the ICT Results. 28. June 2007.
  14. Information within public administrations (working plane), project information and the announcement of the questionnaire published on the web of Schleswig-Holstein State Government (in German).
  15. Information about Access-eGov project on Kosice self-governing region web page ( (In Slovak)
  16. Press release on Kosice self-governing region web page from firs pilot testing ( (In Slovak)
  17. Information about Access-eGov project on Michalovce city web page Michalovce (In Slovak)
  18. PRLog: Access-eGov - Pilot Field Test Results And Project Progression. Kareem Monem, April 02, 2008. (PDF version of the press release)
  19. E-BOOM NEWS: Access-eGov - Pilot Field Test Results And Project Progression. Kareem Monem, April 02, 2008.
  20. Access-eGov completes first pilot trials. 11 April 2008.


Press releases of the Access-eGov project

Press release 6, February 28, 2009

Press release 5, December 1, 2008

Press release 4, March 1, 2008

Press Release: Access-eGov - Pilot Field Test Results And Project Progression,
Kareem Monem, April 02, 2008

Press release M12, January 13, 2007

Press release M6, June 28, 2006

Press release M1, February 15, 2006