
Členovia konzorcia projektu Access-eGov sa zúčastnili na konferenciách:


EGOV 2009
Linz, Austria, August 31 - September 3, 2009

  • K. Furdík, R. Klischewski, M. Paralič, T. Sabol, M. Skokan: E-Government Service Integration and Provision Using Semantic Technologies. Published in proceedings, ISBN 978-3-85499-625-5. [pdf]


eChallenges 2008
Stockholm, Sweden, October 22-24, 2008

  • P. Bednár, K. Furdík, M. Paralič, T. Sabol, M. Skokan: Semantic integration of government services - the Access-eGov approach. Published in proceedings, ISBN 978–1–58603–924-0. [pdf]

Wisla, Poland, October 20 - 22, 2008

  • M. Skokan, T. Sabol, M. Mach, K. Furdík: Integration of governmental services in semantically described processes in the Access-eGov system. Published in proceedings, ISSN 1896-7094, pp. 415 - 419. [pdf]
  • M. Sroga: Access-eGov - Personal Assistant of Public Services. Published in proceedings, ISSN 1896-7094.

MeTTeG 2008
Corfu, Greece, September 25-26, 2008

  • K. Furdík, M. Mach, T. Sabol: Practical Experiences with Enhancing Semantic Interoperability in eGovernment using WSMO. Published in proceedings, ISBN 978-88-7589-337-8, pp. 23-35. [pdf]

EGOV 2008
Torino, Italy, August 31 - September 5, 2008

  • P. Bednár, K. Furdík, M. Kleimann, R. Klischewski, M. Skokan, S. Ukena: Semantic Integration of e-Government Services in Schleswig-Holstein.
    In: M. A. Wimmer, H. J. Scholl, E. Ferro (Eds.), Electronic Government, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5184/2008, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 315-327. [Springer link]

iDEME 2008
Bratislava, Slovakia, June 18 - 19, 2008

  • M. Skokan, T. Sabol, K. Furdík, M. Mach.: Communication with public administration in two visions: Integration of governmental services for citizens, and Support of citizens' participation in public affairs. (in Slovak)
    Published in proceedings, CD version. [pdf]

Conference on "Innovative aspects in eGovernment projects"
Warsaw, Poland, April 21, 2008

  • M. Sroga: Personal Assistant of local governments' public services. Published in proceedings.

Znalosti (Knowledge) 2008
Bratislava, Slovakia, February 13-15, 2008

  • K. Furdík, J. Hreňo, T. Sabol: Conceptualisation and Semantic Annotation of eGovernment Services in WSMO.
    Published in proceedings, ISBN 978-80-227-2827-0, pp. 66-77. [pdf]
  • M. Skokan, P. Bednár: Semantic orchestration of services in eGovernment. Published in proceedings, ISBN 978-80-227-2827-0, pp. 215-223.

January 7-10, 2008, Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii

  • R. Klischewski, S. Ukena: An Activity-based Approach Towards Development and Use of E-government Service Ontologies. Proceedings HICSS-41, IEEE, 2008


EGOV 2007 - 6th International EGOV Conference
Regensburg, Germany, September 3-6, 2007

  • R. Klischewski, S. Ukena: Designing semantic e-Government services driven by user requirements.
    Published in proceedings, ISBN 978-3-85499-255-4, pp. 133-140. [pdf]
  • K. Furdík, T. Sabol, P. Bednár: Framework for integration of e-Government Services on a Semantic Basis.
    Published in proceedings, ISBN 978-3-85499-255-4, pp. 71-78. [pdf]

SAMI 2007: The 5th Slovakian - Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence
Poprad - AquaCity, Slovakia, January 25 - 26, 2007

  • M. Skokan, P. Bednár, M. Tomášek: Outline of the Access-eGov Architecture.
    Published in proceedings.

Beijing Ni Hao ICT Conference 2007 - e-ISOTIS presentation about Access-eGov project.

WIKT 2007 - 2nd Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies 2007 - Poster about Access-eGov project presented by M. Skokan (TUKE)

FP6 experience and information on running EU projects. Workshop: FP7 and Perspectives of participation of Slovak subjects, January 24, 2007, Access-eGov project presented by Tomáš Sabol


WIKT 2006, 1st Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies
November 28-29, 2006, Bratislava, Slovakia

  • M. Tomášek, K. Furdík: Service-based architecture of Access-eGov system.
    Published in proceedings, ISBN 978-80-969202-5-9, pp. 29-32. [pdf]

Information and Intelligent Systems 2006, 17th International Conference
Varazdin, Croatia, 20-22 September 2006

  • T. Sabol, M. Mach: Semantic Web in eGovernment (invited lecture).
    Published in proceedings, ISBN 953-6071-27-4, pp. 1- 15. [pdf]

EGOV 2006, 5th International eGov Conference
Krakow, Poland, September 4 - 8, 2006

  • P. Bednár, J. Hreňo: Access e-Gov Personal Assistant.
    Published in proceedings, pp. 279-282.
  • M. Mach, T. Sabol, J. Paralič: Improving Access and Efficient Use of Government Services by Means of Semantic Technologies. Published in proceedings, pp. 271-278.
  • M. Skokan: Fuzzy Relation and Semantics.
    PhD Colloquium in cooperation with the Demo-net Network of Excellence project. Presented on Colloquium - abstract published [pdf].
  • J. Kolter, R. Schillinger, W. Dobmeier, G. Pernul, G.: An Architecture Integrating Semantic E-Government Services. Published in proceedings.

SSKI 2006 Cybernetics and Informatics
Michalovce, Slovakia, June 28 - 30, 2006

  • K. Furdík, J. Hreňo: Access to e-Government Services Employing Semantic Technologies.
    Abstract published in proceedings, ISBN 80-227-2431-9, pp.149-150. Full paper published on CD. [pdf]

3rd European Semantic Web Conference
Budva, Montenegro, June 11 - 14, 2006

  • M. Mach, T. Sabol, J. Paralič: Integration of eGov services: back-office versus front-office integration.
    Published in proceedings, pp. 48-53.

AAAI Spring Symposium “Semantic Web Meets eGovernment”
Stanford University, California (USA), March 27-29, 2006

  • R. Klischewski: Migrating Small Governments’ Websites to the Semantic Web.
    Published in proceedings, pp. 56-63. [pdf] [presentation] [photo]