
Väčšina projektov obsahovo príbuzných s Access-eGov bola iniciovaná v prvej výzve 5. a 6. Rámcového programu EÚ. Tu je ich prehľad s anglickým popisom:

Middleware Technologies for Adaptive and Composable Distributed Components (IST-37126)
The ADAPT project pursues to provide open-source middleware support for the creation of adaptive and composable web services. The main hightlights of the project are a) Self-descriptive Basic Services, b) Composite Service definition and enactment of business processes, c) Adaptability of basic web services and composite services.

A Semantic Web services-based P2P Infrastructure for the Interoperability of Medical Information Systems.
The ARTEMIS project is developing a semantic, interoperable, Web-based framework for the healthcare sector.

Advanced Technologies for interoperability of Heterogeneous Enterprise Networks and their Applications (IST-507849)
The ATHENA is an Integrated Project sponsored by the European Commission in support of the Strategic Objective “Networked businesses and government” set out in the IST 2003-2004 Workprogramme of FP6. Building upon an ambitious Vision Statement “By 2010, enterprises will be able to seamlessly interoperate with others”, ATHENA aims to make a major contribution to interoperability by identifying and meeting a set of inter-related business, scientific & technical, and strategic objectives. The ATHENA programme of work is defined for producing results that span the full spectrum of interoperability from technology components to applications and services, from research & development to demonstration & testing, and from training to evaluation of technologies for societal impact. In ATHENA, Research and Development is executed in close synergy and collaboration with Community Building, for ensuring that solutions to multi-disciplinary research challenges are of optimal industrial relevance leading to broad uptake by the end user.

eGOV (IST-2000-28471, duration: 1 June 2001 - 31 May 2003)
The main objective of the project was the provision of an open, extensible and scalable platform for realising online one-stop government. This platform was deployed and evaluated in three European countries, namely Austria, Greece and Switzerland.
>> Paper on the GovML language:
Gregory Kavadias and Efthimios Tambouris, 2003, GovML: A Markup Language for Describing Public Services and Life Events, 4th WORKING CONFERENCE ON Knowledge Management in Electronic Government, Rhodes Island, Greece.
>> see also the Publications section

eGovRTD2020 (FP6-27139 : The eGovernment RTD 2020 project)
The project aims at sketching eGovernment in 2020 and, thereby, identifying future strategic research fields for the development of eGovernment and the public sector as such. The methodology consists of both scenario building and roadmapping. Visions have already been described through scenarios, which detail governments, society and economics, as well as the interaction based on modern ICT. In the current phase of the project, guidelines for eGovernment research programmes and national long-term eGovernment policies shall be developed. The resulting research roadmap(s) shall support the implementation of the vision of the European Community: to transform the European Government landscape into a coherent community anticipating customer needs and making use of the available potentials of innovative ICT.

eMayor (IST-2002- Electronic and secure municipal administration for European citizens)
Creating secure Web services for small and medium sized Government Organisations (SMGOs)The eMayor project aims to provide secure, interoperable and affordable Web services for small and medium sized government organisations (SMGOs) across Europe. The development of eGovernment Web services in smaller municipalities is often hindered by lack of financial, political or legal support. Security and technical problems cannot be solved because the required expertise or infrastructure is not available. eMayor looks into the issues which are the main barriers to progress. By creating an eGovernment platform eMayor intends to help SMGOs overcome these barriers.

eParticipate is a Market Validation project to develop a sustainable trans-European Deployment Plan of a multimedia platform that has been developed and proven in the UK. eParticipate provides an open integrated standard web-based network and gateway of existing "best of breed" applications (called Public-i) that enable public bodies to implement and benefit from a full range of eParticipation tools that broaden the participation of citizens in the democratic process, in line with eTEN, eEurope eGovernment and i2010 objectives.

EU-PUBLI.COM (IST 2001-35217: Facilitating Co-operation amongst European Public Administration Employees)
The project attempts to achieve interoperability amongst PA organisations by defining a ‘Unitary European Network Architecture’ into which the collection of distributed, autonomous systems of each PA can be brought together into a common co-operative environment. In turn, this acts as a framework for the development of new and the re engineering of existing European PA processes in order to be made suitable for facilitated co operation. The developed software components are based on the Web service paradigm (SOA, WSFL, XLANG).

Interoperability of virtual organizations on complex semantic Grid
The goal of InteliGrid project is to provide a grid-based integration and interoperability infrastructure to complex industries such as construction, automotive and aerospace. Our vision of future engineering is a flexible, secure, robust, ambient accessible, interoperable, pay-per demand access to information, communication and processing resources.

NeOn (IST-2005-027595)
The aim of NeOn is to create the first ever service-oriented, open infrastructure, and associated methodology, to support the development life-cycle of such a new generation of semantic applications, with the overall goal of extending the state of the art with economically viable solutions. These applications will rely on a network of contextualized ontologies, exhibiting local but not necessarily global consistency.

NEWS (FP6-001906 : News Engine Web Services)
Web:; see it also on the IST site
The project that developed the platform even managed to develop a proof-of-concept service for analysing audio, by combining their system with a commercial voice recognition programme. At the heart of this functionality is the powerful classification and ontology-based annotation system that can work across languages.

ONTOGOV (IST 507237: Ontology-enabled e-Gov Service Configuration).
The overall objective is to develop, test and validate a semantically-enriched (ontology enabled) platform that will facilitate the consistent composition, re-configuration and evolution of e-government services. The platform enables public administrations: (a) model the semantics related to their egov services, (b) ensure consistency of the model when re designing egov services due to an external (e.g. change in legislation) or internal trigger, (c) use this model in order to semi-automate the software configuration of e-government services, (d) re-configure services in a manner that ensures the consistency of the service model, and consistency between the service and the related software, (e) have access to a knowledge enriched infrastructure mapping the entire history and life-cycle of e-Gov services (service design, configuration, and re-configuration).

QUALEG (IST 507767: Quality of Service and Legitimacy in eGovernment)
The project aims at enabling local governments to manage their policies – they should be able to measure the performance of services they offer, to assess the satisfaction of citizens and to re-formulate policy orientation. Among key enabling blocks of the project software solution can be found: (a) a WSDL based workflow management system which brings together the interoperability features of Web services and the business process design and enactment features of workflow management, (b) a semantic engine for Web services/workflows coupled with an ontology management system. It aims to jointly publish semantically rich Web services interacting with legacy applications and information sources.

Semantic-based Interoperability Infrastructure for Integrating Web Service Platforms to Peer-to-Peer Networks.
The SATINE Project has realized a secure semantic-based interoperability framework for exploiting Web service platforms in conjunction with Peer-to-Peer networks in tourism industry.

The SEEMP (Single European Employment Market Place) project aims at enhancing the already provided e-Employment services by developing a highly advanced, ontology-based, peer-to-peer (P2P) based interoperability infrastructure that will be based on Service Oriented Architecture and will offer access to semantically enriched employment services. SEEMP will allow interoperability between the existing National/Local job market places (PES systems) at pan-European level.

SemanticGov (FP6-2004-IST-4-027517)
Full title: Providing Integrated Public Services to Citizens at the National and Pan-European level with the use of Emerging Semantic Web Technologies.
SemanticGov is a thirty six month EU-funded research and development project that aims at building the infrastructure (software, models, services, etc) necessary for enabling the offering of semantic web services by public administration (PA).

SIOC project
Full title: Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities
A framework aimed at connecting online community sites and internet-based discussions. Currently, online communities (boards, blogs, etc.) are like islands - they contain valuable information but are not well connected. SIOC allows us to interlink these sites, and enables the extraction of richer information from various discussion services.

SmartGov (IST 2001-35399)
EU-funded research and development project that aims to specify, develop, deploy and evaluate a knowledge-based platform.
The platform will assist public sector employees to generate online transaction services by simplifying their development, maintenance and integration with already installed IT systems.

STATIS (SofTware for Ambient Semantic Interoperable Services)
This project aims to to enable SMEs and enterprises to fully participate in the eEconomy, by offering semantic services and applications based on the open SEEM registry and repository network. These will allow easy access to analyse, view, compare and distil semantics in an efficient environment to more effectively relate the business concepts of one organisation with that of another.

>> see the STATIS Project Leaflet

SWAD-Europe (IST project Semantic Web Advanced Development for Europe)
The SWAD-Europe project ran from May 2002 to October 2004, and aimed to support W3C's Semantic Web initiative in Europe, providing targeted research, demonstrations and outreach to ensure Semantic Web technologies move into the mainstream of networked computing.

TERREGOV (IST 2002-507749: Impact of eGovernment on Territorial Government Service)
The project addresses the issue of interoperability of eGovernment services for local and regional governments. Taking the view that government services are offered by a number of administrations interacting one with each other and that local administrations often act as a front office to citizens, the project’s goal is to make it possible for local governments to deliver online a variety of services in a straightforward and transparent manner regardless of the administration(s) actually involved in providing those services.

>> The issue No.57/2006 of CORDIS focus features an article on Terregov project. on page 38. Download via

USE-ME.GOV ( is a research and development project designed to support and to encourage the access to new e-government services at any time and anywhere through the use of mobile communications and Internet technologies. The project is based on co-operation between Public Administrations, ITC Companies and Universities.

>> PDF presentation, Newsletter N.5 - April 2006 (80 kB)

WonderWeb ( - Infrastructure for the Semantic Web - project finished in 2004 - The main objectives of the projct was to develop the family of ontology languages, to develop framework of techniques and methodologies that provide an engineering approach to the building and use of ontologies, to develop the set of foundational ontologies covering a wide range of application domains and to develop the comprehensive technical infrastructure and tool support that will be required by real world applications in the Semantic Web.


Here you can find more IST eGovernment projects.

Technologies addressed projects devided into categories are in the following section:

· Web services and service oriented architectures to support the integration of e-Government services, processes and applications (TERREGOV, INTELCITIES, eMAYOR, EU-PUBLI.COM, USEME. GOV, SmartGov);

· Speech recognition and related technologies to ease interaction between citizens and administrations (SAFIR, HOPS);

· Comprehensive knowledge modelling and development of ontologies in the government domain (QUALEG, ONTOGOV, TERREGOV);

· Comprehensive knowledge modelling and development of ontologies in the other domains (SEKT, MediaWiki)

· Identification and authentication technologies (GUIDE, eMAYOR – to some extent);

· Mobile technologies (USEME. GOV, eMAYOR);

· Open source software (COSPA, FLOSSPOLS).