InterSoft, a.s., www.intersoft.sk
Provider of the Webocrat system, offers also technical support and consultation services.
See also the installations provided by InterSoft, a.s.
The running versions of the Webocrat system are available:
- as pilot applications, at the sites of user partners of the Webocracy project,
- as running installations, provided mostly by InterSoft, a.s.
Note: The Dummy Local Government site at demo is currently not available. Please try to download and install the source of Webocrat, or contact us for further assistance.
- The website covers both the eGovernment research projects sponsored by the European Commission and other research initiatives, policy actions and best practice exchange
- http://europa.eu.int/information_society/programmes/egov_rd/index_en.htm
The website on eGovernment research and development issues in Europe.
- http://www.evote.sk