
All final (approved) versions of public deliverables produces within the Access e-Gov project can be found and downloaded from this section.

Del. No. Deliverable name WP no. Lead participant
D1.3 Project quality plan WP1 UR
D1.4 Final project reportWP1 TUK
D2.1 State-of-the-art report WP2 UR
D2.2User requirement analysis & development/test recommendations - PUBLIC versionWP2GUC
D3.1 Access-eGov platform architecture WP3 UR
D3.2 Access-eGov components functional descriptions WP3 IS
D6.2System and user documentationWP6TUK
D7.1Public administration resource ontologiesWP7IS
D7.2 Guidelines for semantic markup of e-government resources WP7 GUC
D8.1Trial evaluation strategyWP8GUC
D8.3Evaluation of trial 1 and specification for revision of componentsWP8KSR
D8.4Evaluation of trial 2 and specification for revision of Access-eGov platformWP8COI
D9.2 Methodological guidelinesWP9 GUC
D9.4 Project Presentation WP9 ISO
D9.5 Project website WP9 ISO
D9.6 Project leaflet and poster WP9 ISO
D9.7Press releases:
- Press release M1
- Press release M6
- Press release M12
- Press release 4, March 1, 2008
- Press release 5, December 1, 2008
- Press release 6, February 28, 2008
D9.8Report on raising public participation and awarenessWP9ISO